Response codes

All API requests receive a response with the appropriate HTTP response code. Each response class represents a different general message:

  • 2XX codes - successful responses.
  • 4XX codes - client error responses. There was an error in your request. Modify the request and try again. The 4XX error codes are listed in the table below.
  • 5XX codes - server error reponses. There may be a temporary issue on the Surfsight side.

Error codes

The following is a table of error codes to help you debug:

Status code Description
400 Bad request - general client error, possibly malformed data.
401 Unauthenticated - the API key is missing or invalid.
404 Not found - the API endpoint is invalid or a path parameter is missing or invalid.
405 Method not allowed - the API endpoint does not accept that HTTP method.
5XX Internal server errors - something went wrong with the Surfsight API's servers. These responses are likely a temporary error, so try again in a few minutes.