Alarms let you know when devices are not working properly, and recommend the best course of action to fix them.
auxiliary camera
A camera that can be installed in different parts of a vehicle to enable tracking of multiple perspectives during a trip. Each auxiliary camera is associated with a single device.
Any device, or part thereof, that records video and takes snapshots as part of Surfsight events and trips, such as an in-cabin camera, a road-facing camera, or auxiliary cameras.
Each camera has a camera ID.
1: road-facing camera;
2: in-cabin camera;
51-54: auxiliary cameras.
Any piece of hardware that can be connected to a vehicle, such as the AI-12 dashcam.
device configuration
You can configure your device settings. These settings include:
- distractedDriver: enable or disable audio and visual alerts in cases of distracted driving, such as cell phone usage, eating/drinking, or smoking
- textOverlay: enable or disable text overlay in video (of recordings and events)
- inCabinCameraRecording: enable or disable in-cabin recordings. The distracted driver feature works whether or not the recordings are on.
- driverPosition: set the driver seat location - either the left or right side of the vehicle. This must be set correctly for the distracted driver setting to work properly
- speedUnits: set the units used for speed measurement to miles per hour or kilometers per hour
- audioAlarms: enable or disable audio alarms from the device for dangerous and distracted driving events
- notifyLiveStreaming: enable or disable on-screen text notifications when someone is viewing a live video of the device
- adminPIN: set the admin PIN
- driverPIN: set the driver PIN
- brightness: set the screen brightness to a value between 0 and 255.
- dateTimeUnits: set the units used for date and time to 'us' for US units or 'eu' for metric units
- voiceRecording: enable or disable recording audio in the vehicle
- standby: for cases when the vehicle stops moving, set the amount of time after which the camera enters standby mode, between 1 and 60 minutes
- hotspot: enable or disable internet access via the device hotspot
privacy: the privacy settings, which include:
- gpsEnabled: enable or disable the GPS tracking
- mvaiEnabled: enable or disable MV+AI, machine vision and artificial intelligence, which identifies distracted driving
- liveStreamEnabled: enable or disable viewing of live video streamed from the device.
- allEventsEnabled: enable or disable creation of any event, and audio and visual alerts, as configured for this device. When set to false, no events are created, and in-cabin alerts are not triggered.
- cameras: enable or disable recordings and events for specific cameras
Video of events from all cameras associated with a device (the road-facing camera, the in-cabin camera, and any auxiliary cameras). The video is saved to the SD card and uploaded to the cloud. Events are any of a number of risky incidents that can occur during a trip, such as acceleration, violent turns, or distracted driving. Events can be configured to upload as text, snapshots, or videos. Video events capture 5 seconds before and after the event occurs. The data tracked for each event includes the type of event, the date and time of the event, the location of the event, and the speed of the vehicle during the event.
Devices can be consolidated within a single group. Once you configure a group and associate the related devices, you can centrally manage those devices at the group level.
The unique identifier of the device.
The IMEI number can be found on the sticker on the device itself or on the back of the device box.
live stream
Live video from all cameras associated with a device (the road-facing camera, the in-cabin camera, and any auxiliary cameras). Live video can be streamed directly from the device, from the cloud, or through the API.
Individual devices and groups can be consolidated within a single organization. Once you configure an organization and associate any devices or groups, you can then centrally manage those devices and groups at the organization level.
Video of trips from all cameras associated with a device (the road-facing camera, the in-cabin camera, and any auxiliary cameras). The video is saved to the SD card and uploaded to the cloud.
REST APIs allow for interaction with RESTful web services. In RESTful web services, requests made to a resource's URI receive a response formatted in HTML, XML, JSON, or some other format. REST APIs are defined in the OpenAPIv3 definition file.
virtual event
Create a third-party event from a device by selecting a certain time from your device's recordings, the duration of the desired event, the media type of the event, and more.
Receive real-time event notifications and GPS data from your devices to a URL of your choice.
Web real-time communication. This open source project helps to embed real-time voice, text, and video in Web browsers without using plugins. This simplifies communication and improves user experience.