Reusable Components FAQ

1. How can I explore the component before implementing it in my application?
The best way to explore Reusable Components functionality is to use the Reusable Components Playground.

2. Do I need to configure all parameters?
Reusable Components have both required and optional parameters. The required parameters are mandatory and needed to activate the component. The optional parameters enable you to customize the component’s features to meet your needs.

3. Can I add custom functionalities to a Reusable Component?
Yes, you can extend the component functionality by using the embedded method. When you use the embedded method, you can implement your own custom functionality before preparing the source code to be embedded.

4. Do Reusable Components support mobile view?
Yes, Lytx Reusable Components are responsive.

5. Can the component be integrated into native applications (React Native, IOS, Android)?
Not at the moment. The integration methods are not supported by native mobile environments and frameworks.

6. Will I have CSS style clashing?
Since the code is capsulated, there won’t be any clashing of CSS stylings.

7. How can I change the style of the components?
You can change the style of the component by creating a template HTML element that contains all of your CSS overrides. For more information, see the section Styling the component article.

8. Will there be conflicting dependencies in the embedded method?
No, our files are compiled to JavaScript with no dependencies.

9. Can I embed the component in a framework if it isn’t listed in the documentation in the Developer portal?
Yes, you can embed the component in additional frameworks by adhering to these three concepts:

  1. Prepare the file to be embedded: follow the prerequisites described in the embedded code installation article.
  2. Include the script in your HTML.
  3. Use the component in your HTML.

10. Do I need React knowledge to integrate Reusable components? Using the cloud hosting integration method, a developer does not need any React knowledge.Extending the code using the embedded method requires some knowledge of React.

11. Will the Reusable Component support different analytics tools?
Amplitude is one of the most common analytics tools for web applications. In the future, we will consider supporting additional tools according to the needs of our reseller partners.

12. Does Lytx have access to the reseller partner’s Amplitude data?
No, Lytx does not have the credentials for the partner's Amplitude space and has no access to the data in the space.

13. How can I implement analytics for a component?
To implement Amplitude analytics, use the amplitude key parameter. The value should be your Amplitude key. For more information, see the section Analytics support.

14. When using the cloud hosting integration method, can the component be updated automatically to the latest version?
Yes, instead of specifying the latest version of the component, use the “latest” syntax. The component will auto-update whenever there is a new version. For more information, see the section Component upgrades.

15. How can I update a component that was installed using the embedded method?
You will need to re-implement the component and the custom code that was added. For more information, see the section Component upgrades.

16. Can I use the component in multiple places inside my application?
Absolutely, the components are reusable. You can use them in multiple places in your application as well have multiple instances on the same page.

17. Is localization possible in both integration methods?
Yes, the local JSON file will work for both the cloud-hosted and embedded methods. For more information, see the section Localization support.

18. How can I support different languages?
To support multiple languages or override the English text, use the parameter translations-src. The parameter value should be a path to a JSON file. For more information, see the section Localization support.

19. What licenses do I need to access the Reusable Component code?
All our components are protected by the MIT license. For more information, see the section Component licensing.

20. Does the Surfsight portal use reusable components?
Yes, the Live Video component is integrated into the Surfsight portal, in the Maps and Cameras section.