Event media component

The Lytx event media component contains everything you need to display event videos and snapshots from a specific dashcam, see Online playground:

event media component
<lytx-event-media auth-token="{auth-token}" organization-id="{organization-id}" imei="{imei}" event-id="{event-id}"></lytx-event-media>

This documentation describes the following for our event media component:

Event media component parameters

The variables listed in the table should be in a key-value structure, for easy override and configuration by developers.

Name Type Required Default Description
auth-token string Required - Retrieve an authentication token and insert it here.
event-id number Required - The event ID of the relevant event.
imei string Required - The IMEI of the device. The IMEI number can be found on a sticker on the device itself or on the back of the device box.
organization-id number Required - This is the organization ID for the organization of the relevant device.
amplitude-key string Optional - The API key for integrating with a specified instance of Amplitude.
download-button boolean Optional true Show or hide the download button.
font-family string Optional 'Helvetica' This is the font family configured for all text across the UI display.
fullscreen boolean Optional true Show or hide fullscreen mode button.
g-force-chart boolean Optional true Show or hide the g-force line chart.
g-force-chart-note boolean Optional true Show or hide the g-force note.
mute-button boolean Optional true Show or hide the mute button.
protocol-settings string Optional "#e74a4a, #e7b94a,#4ac8e7" These are the g-force line chart colors as comma separated hexcodes (GPSspeed,FWD,LAT).
theme string Optional dark The theme type to use in the component. Options include: dark, light.
translations-src string Optional undefined The URI to be used for the language translation file (a JSON file).
video-time-counter boolean Optional true Show or hide the video time counter.
split-screen boolean Optional false Show or hide the split-screen mode.

Video component events

Configure the eventHandler to handle events triggered by the component.

Name Impact
componentError Triggered when an error occurs.

Some examples of event listeners:


// app.component.view.html
<lytx-event-media auth-token="TOKEN" imei="1a2b3c4d5e6" event-id="1" organization-id="5" ng-on-component_error="componentErrorLytxEventMedia($event)"></lytx-event-media>


// app.component.view.html
import './App.css';
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
function App() {
  const playerRef = useRef()
  useEffect(() => {
    const element = playerRef.current
    const onComponentErrorHandler = (event) => {
    if (element) {
      element.addEventListener("componentError", onComponentErrorHandler)
    return () => {
      if (element) {
        element.removeEventListener("componentError", onComponentErrorHandler)
  }, [playerRef])
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <lytx-event-media ref={playerRef} auth-token="TOKEN" imei="1a2b3c4d5e6"  event-id="1" organization-id="5"></lytx-event-media>
export default App;

Translation Keys

Following are the JSON keys that can be customized when localizing your app. For general keys (not specific to a component), see Localization support.

Key Value Description
RoadFacingLens Road-facing lens Displayed in the camera name for cameraId 1.
InCabinLens In-cab lens Displayed in the camera name for cameraId 2.
AuxiliaryCamera Auxiliary camera Displayed in the camera name for cameraId other than 1 and 2.
ContinueWatching Continue watching Displayed in the button that appears after 30 seconds of video.
AuthTokenRequired AuthToken is a required property. Displayed when the auth token property is missing.
ImeiRequired IMEI is a required property. Displayed when the imei property is missing.
CameraIdRequired cameraId is a required property. Displayed when the camera id property is missing.
OrganizationIdRequired organizationId is a required property. Displayed when the organization id property is missing.
DeviceNotFound IMEI is not found. Displayed when the imei wasn't found in the system.
CameraNotFound Camera is not available. Displayed when the camera id wasn't found.
DeviceOffline The device is offline. Displayed when the device is in offline mode.
RecordingDownloadFailed Unable to download recording video. Displayed when the an error occurred in streaming recording.
Snapshot Snapshot Displayed when the selected camera type contains a snapshot.
NoEventData No data Displayed when the selected camera has no media.
GpsSpeed GPS Speed Displayed in the GPS speed tag.
FWD FWD Displayed in the FWD tag.
LAT LAT Displayed in the LAT tag.
Notes Notes Displayed in the G-force chart note legend.
GForceChartNote Notes Displayed when the G-force chart notes enabled.
LoadingRecordingFromCamera Loading from camera Displayed when the recording stream starts loading.
RetrieveVideoFromCamera Retrieve video from camera Displayed when the recordings are available for the event.
UnableToLoadRecording Unable to load video Displayed when an error occurred in playing recording stream.
NormalQuality Normal quality Displayed in the recording quality option for normal quality.
HighQuality High quality Displayed in the recording quality option for high quality.
Seconds seconds Displayed in the recording duration options.
ContinueRecording Continue Displayed in the button appear after recording stream played.

Amplitude events

Every event sent to Amplitude includes the following general metadata:

  • user
  • reseller name
  • time
  • source

The Amplitude events for the event media component include:

When the user clicks Event name Additional data
Device selection Event media player - Selected device Camera type
Play/Pause Event media player - Play/Pause Action (play/pause)
Mute/Unmute Event media player - Mute Action (mute/unmute)
Download video Event media player - Download video Camera type, seconds before and after event
Full Screen Event media player - Fullscreen No additional data
Theme use Event media player - Download video Value (dark/light)
G-force use Event media player - G-force use Value (yes/no)

For general keys (not specific to a component), see Analytics support.