Update organization

Update an organization and its properties.

The default general purge time is 31 days. To increase purge times above this amount, speak to your partner success manager (PSM).

Note: PATCH calls update data partially. Any data not mentioned in the call, will be kept as is.

path Parameters

The ID of the organization. Obtain this from GET /organizations.

Example: 62
Request Body schema: application/json
string (Organization name)

The name assigned to the organization in POST /organizations.

boolean (Organization can contain devices of one partner or multiple partners)

When enabled, the organization can only contain devices from the partner that originally created the organization. When disabled, the organization can contain devices from multiple partners.

number (Purge time) [ 1 .. 366 ]

The amount of time that an organization’s data is retained in the cloud before being purged, in days. The default general purge time is 31 days. To increase the purge time above this amount, speak to your partner success manager (PSM).

Purge times can be set separately for each camera type (1 - road-facing lens, 2 - in-cab lens, 50+ - auxiliary cameras.)

number (Purge time) [ 1 .. 366 ]

The amount of time that an organization’s data is retained in the cloud before being purged, in days. The default general purge time is 31 days. To increase the purge time above this amount, speak to your partner success manager (PSM).

Purge times can be set separately for each camera type (1 - road-facing lens, 2 - in-cab lens, 50+ - auxiliary cameras.)

number (Purge time) [ 1 .. 366 ]

The amount of time that an organization’s data is retained in the cloud before being purged, in days. The default general purge time is 31 days. To increase the purge time above this amount, speak to your partner success manager (PSM).

Purge times can be set separately for each camera type (1 - road-facing lens, 2 - in-cab lens, 50+ - auxiliary cameras.)

number (Purge time) [ 1 .. 366 ]

The amount of time that an organization’s data is retained in the cloud before being purged, in days. The default general purge time is 31 days. To increase the purge time above this amount, speak to your partner success manager (PSM).

Purge times can be set separately for each camera type (1 - road-facing lens, 2 - in-cab lens, 50+ - auxiliary cameras.)

number (Recording retention configuration for all devices in an organization) >= 4

The configuration of the recording retention for all devices in the specified organization. The recording retention is how long recordings are stored on the SD card until they get overwritten with new recordings. This field sets the value for all of the devices in the specified organization.

boolean (isOrganizationProfileEnabled)
Default: true

Enable the organization profile for all devices. If disabled, the organization profile doesnt apply, and each device is managed separately.

This profile enables you to configure all devices in the organization with the same configuration. When turned on, all new devices are automatically configured with this profile when added; when turned off, devices that are newly added to the organization do not get the configuration from this profile.

Note: when enabled and users configure settings using a combination of single, bulk and this profile, each device is configured based on its most recent updates, regardless of method.

number >= 30

The duration, in seconds, that live video plays before ending automatically.


Successful operation


Bad request error


Unauthorized error


Forbidden error


Internal server error

Request samples
  • "name": "Company Name",
  • "exclusivePartnerOnly": true,
  • "purgeDays": 90,
  • "purgeDaysFrontCamera": 90,
  • "purgeDaysRearCamera": 90,
  • "purgeDaysAuxiliaryCameras": 90,
  • "deviceRetentionMinutes": 4,
  • "isOrganizationProfileEnabled": true,
  • "liveVideoTimeoutSeconds": 30
Response samples
  • "requestId": "df5fg-45fgfdsg-45fg-45454"