Scan a QR code and review event data

Scanning a QR code on documents and goods allows users to pair metadata with the event's time and location, and can be configured to include a video or snapshot. This feature supports workflows in external applications by scanning items such as health certifications, proof of delivery, approvals, and other documentation.

The rest of this guide shows you how to use the Surfsight API to enable and scan a QR code, and review the associated event data following these steps:

  1. Authenticate yourself.
  2. Enable the QR code event
  3. Scan a QR code
  4. Retrieve QR code scan event information

For more information about the different API requests, take a look at our reference guide.

1. Authenticate yourself

Authenticate yourself before making any calls with the Surfsight API. For more details on authentication, see our authentication overview.

2. Enable the QR code event

Enable the QR code event with the following calls:

  • PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config for an individual device
  • PUT /devices/event-config for bulk configurations
  • POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings for default settings for devices in an organization

Once the QR code event is enabled, a QR code icon appears on the device screen.

    curl --request PUT '{imei}/event-config
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'
  --data-raw '{
    "vehicleType": "Private",
        "eventType": "qrCode",
        "dataType": "none",
        "visualAlert": true,
        "audioAlert": true
Parameter Description Required Example
imei The IMEI of the device. The IMEI number can be found on a sticker on the device itself or on the back of the device box. Yes 357660101000198
vehicleType The type of vehicle associated with the device. The type of vehicle affects the sensitivity of the device's motion sensor. Private is the most sensitive to movements, and trailer is the least sensitive. optional Private
eventType The type of event. Yes qrCode
dataType The type of data that is attached to an event when the event is generated. Yes none
visualAlert Whether or not a visual alert is shown on the device screen when an event occurs. optional true
audioAlert Whether or not an audio alert is played when an event occurs. optional true

Returned response:

  "requestId": {"requestId"}

3. Scan a QR code

  1. Press the QR code icon at the top left of the device screen. The device beeps for ten seconds or until a QR code is scanned.
  2. Within ten seconds, scan the QR code using the in-cab lens. An event is triggered and sent to the cloud, with the QR code as metadata. A success message is displayed on the device screen.

4. Retrieve QR code scan event information

Event data can be retrieved with the GET devices/{imei}/events call. Information from the QR code scan is available in the metadata of the event. Event data also includes a timestamp, and video or snapshot, if configured.

curl --request GET '{imei}/events'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'
Parameter Description Required Example
imei The IMEI of the device. The IMEI number can be found on a sticker on the device itself or on the back of the device box. Yes 357660101000198

The returned response:

  "id": 247195378,
  "eventType": "qrCode",
  "metadata": "{\"code\":\"Shipment delivered id_4081337\"}",
  "lat": 32.98581475,
  "lon": 35.14809606,
  "time": "2022-01-05T07:06:19.000Z",
  "files": [
      "cameraId": 1,
      "fileId": "1641366379",
      "fileType": "video"
Parameter Description Example
id The ID assigned to the event. 247195231
eventType The type of event. qrCode
metadata The metadata uploaded from the QR code
lat The GPS longitude. 32.17380468
lon The GPS latitude. 34.91901649
time The time, in UTC format. 2022-01-05T07:06:19.000Z
cameraId The ID of the camera. 1 - road-facing camera; 2 - in-cabin-facing camera; 50+ - auxiliary cameras. 1
fileId The ID of the file. 1641366379
fileType The file type. video