Surfsight API changelog
C1/C2 February 2025
New features and enhancements
Improved Device Management with Default Organization Data Profiles
Partners currently require extra API calls to assign data profiles to new devices. This feature introduces a default organization data profile setting, automating the process and reducing API calls for more efficient device administration.
Enhanced the Retrieve Organization Events API Endpoint
The Retrieve Organization Events API Endpoint now returns Beep Events. Beep Events are returned when specified in the request or when all event types are requested. The current functionality is maintained for other event types.
Updated API Documentation for Organization Default Event Settings
The developer portal documentation for the POST / organizations/{orgId}/event-settings endpoint was updated to clarify its interaction with the "Organization Profile" setting. Previously, the documentation described updating default event settings, but now explicitly states that when the "Organization Profile" is enabled, this endpoint completely replaces the event settings on all devices within the organization with the provided values.
Documented the pairing of auxiliary cameras via an API
In the Webhook overview article, we added a note informing partners that they can pair auxiliary cameras via an API to an AI-12.
Flexible Driving Duration Settings
This update expands the valid range for drivingDuration in event settings (single, bulk, and organization defaults) to 0-20 hours, assisting with compliance and providing flexibility for users. Possible fatigue events can be created even when the driver begins the trip.
Introduced Reusable Component Access Control with Scoped Tokens
A new /scoped-token API authenticates users via bearer token and generates a scoped JWT, limiting the access of content to specified entities (device, devices in a group, and all devices in an organization) for a duration of 24 hours. This token, included in the Authorization header of subsequent API calls, functions as a bearer token, and grants access only to APIs within the defined scope. This allows partners and sub-partners to restrict user access to reusable components like Event Media, Live Streaming, and Recording Timeline.
Improved Organization Creation documentation: Default Values
This implementation addresses the organization creation endpoint. When an organization is created, several organization parameters are assigned default values implicitly.
We updated the API documentation with an explanation of these default values, so that integrators know what to expect when creating a new organization and which values will be assigned by default.
Improved the Organization Update API documentation
The default values were removed from the Update Organization page on the Developer Portal. You will now have a better idea of what to expect when updating a new organization.
Updated the isOrganizationProfileEnabled Endpoint
This update enhances the developer portal documentation for the isOrganizationProfileEnabled endpoint, clarifying its behavior within the "Update Organization" and "Update Default Event Settings" sections.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-8163 | Passenger limit configuration is changed over time | Resolved |
SUR-8676 | Event types “Following Distance,” “Critical Distance,” and “Rolling Stop” are exposed when setting event types by dashcam groups | Resolved |
SUR-8831 | Surfsight portal – event media does not show when concealed media is not available | Resolved |
NAL-107 | Enhance Detection and Notification Consistency for "SD Card Unmounted" Alarm | Resolved |
SUR-8737 | Surfsight portal - Analytics - report does not upload | Resolved |
Known Issues
Issue ID | Description |
KB Issue | At some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility. |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
SUR-6123 | Customers can set the minimum speed set the minimum speed for MVAI events creation between 0 and 180 kmh. However, if you set speed lower than 5 kmh, the events will not be created. (Due to hardware limitations, we are investigating possible solutions.) |
C12 December 2024
New features and enhancements
APIs with limit parameters
We now provide new metadata fields for endpoints which have offset and limit parameters. These endpoints will now have the object count to indicate how many total results the call will return. This metadata object will have the count, the offsets, and the limit fields. This makes the integration more efficient and no longer needs to wait for the API to return “empty”.
Updated Response Descriptions for Organization Events and Device Settings
This enhancement improves the accuracy and clarity of the Developer Portal documentation for the post/organizations/{orgId}/event-settings and post/organizations/{orgId}/device-settings endpoints. Currently, the documentation states that the API response only includes a request ID.
Fixed item
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-8501 | The three new APIs that work with Auxiliary cameras can only be called with a Partner token. | Resolved |
Known Issues
Issue ID | Description |
KB Issue | At some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility. |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
SUR-6123 | Customers can set the minimum speed set the minimum speed for MVAI events creation between 0 and 180 kmh. However, if you set speed lower than 5 kmh, the events will not be created. (Due to hardware limitations, we are investigating possible solutions.) |
C11 December 2024
New features and enhancements
Updated organization event settings with a new API endpoint
You can now update the default event settings for all devices in an organization with this new API endpoint: PATCH organizations/{orgId}/event-settings.
Extended Media Concealment to the Organization Level
To enhance data privacy and operational efficiency, we extended the media concealment service to the organization level.
Increased the Accuracy of File Size Verification
This feature verifies the video file size before informing the user that the file is ready for download. It compares the file size on the SD card with the file uploaded to the cloud.
Enabled the pairing of Ability WiFi Auxiliary Cameras via APIs
Partners can now pair auxiliary cameras to an AI-12 via APIs.
Breaking Changes
The patch update device webhooks operate with full patch behavior
You can now update webhooks settings without deleting the current settings. When making a new API call from PATCH/organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings, the call no longer overrides the entire object in the configuration.
The GPS data webhook "ID" field type change
We changed the GPS data webhook "ID" field type from numeric to alphanumeric.
API GET device event enhancements
In order to prevent an excessive load on the database, we are now enforcing the start and end query string parameters on the GET /devices/{imei}/events endpoint to include up to 31 days of activity.
API POST organization events enhancements
In order to prevent an excessive load on the database, are now enforcing the start and end query string parameters on the POST /organizations/{orgId}/events endpoint to include up to 31 days of activity.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-8410 | The user of “viewer” type cannot access event details. | Resolved |
SUR-8471 | Missing GPS coordinates in the API retrieve snapshot. | Resolved |
Known issues
Issue ID | Problem |
KB issue | At some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility. |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. _Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
C10 November 2024
New features and enhancements
Enhance Event Reports with Device Names
This update empowers your reporting by including device names alongside IMEIs in the / organizations/{orgId}/events API response. Now your reports can clearly identify the specific device involved in each event, simplifying analysis and saving time.
Increase Granular Control Over Event Settings
Our new PATCH API endpoint (PATCH organizations/{orgId}/event-settings) lets you customize audio and visual alerts for individual events. This allows for more precise control of your event settings without affecting other configurations. Streamline your workflow and improve efficiency.
Enabling Snapshot Retrieval
This feature allows users to retrieve snapshots directly from video events. This enhancement simplifies the process of accessing visual representations of video content, eliminating the need to create separate virtual events for snapshots. For video events, you can retrieve either a video or a snapshot. The snapshot will be taken from the middle of the video.
Auxiliary Camera Connection/Disconnection Alerts
Use the systemMessages webhook to create messages for auxiliary camera connection and disconnection events. The messages appear via subscribed webhooks, such GPS, Events, or Activation. They include the camera's unique identifier, serial number, and timestamp. The implementation works for both wired and Wi-Fi cameras. The benefits of this feature include real-time monitoring, troubleshooting assistance, and data analysis capabilities.
Streamline RMA Processes with Enhanced Billing Controls
Our new billing controls offer improved RMA management. Prevent unauthorized billing status changes and protect your data. Partners can access device data during the retention period while maintaining additional control over billing. Streamline your RMA process and improve compliance. Please note that partners cannot change the billing status of a refurbished device.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-8292 | Virtual Event: Error for Inactive Device is incorrect. | Resolved |
SUR-7830 | There is a missing recording in the audit log of the UPDATEORGANIZATIONAPI. | Resolved |
Known issues
Issue ID | Problem |
KB issue | At some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility. |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. _Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
C9 September 2024
Developer Portal Documentation Enhancements
Documentation clarifications for endpoints
The following content was updated:
Update email recipient settings
Add device to webhook subscription
Update default device settings
Update default event settings
Set user permissions
Bulk add devices - partners only
Event configuration
The following endpoints were updated:
Breaking Change
Create Drivers and Update Drivers APIs - (Validate the “organizationId ” parameter)
When creating a new driver persona in the Organization, (POST/drivers and PATCH/drivers), we will add a validation that the organizationId exists and belongs to the partner who is performing the operation. This will allow you to only create a driver persona who is in your organization.
Breaking Change
Virtual event - Validate Parameters
We will be implementing more stringent parameter validation on the virtual-event endpoint. By ensuring that all input data adheres to pre-defined criteria, we will only create events with valid parameters. You will receive an error message when attempting to enter invalid parameters.
Breaking Change
Create/Update organization - (post/organizations): Change the default for isOrganizationProfileEnabled to FALSE
At the present time, newly created organizations are automatically enabled for the “Organization Profile” feature.
To provide greater user autonomy, we will change the default setting of isOrganizationProfileEnabled to FALSE. This will allow users to opt-in to the Organization Profile feature if they choose.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-8159 | The Data Usage Limit was reached earlier than expected due to Live Streaming, Live Recording, and/or events | To address this issue, we adjusted the data usage thresholds for live streaming, live recording, and events. These changes should allow for longer usage periods without exceeding the data limit. |
SUR-7968 | Incorrect IMEI Updates in Bulk Configure Events Settings. | This issue has been identified and resolved. The API now correctly updates the IMEIs for the specified organizationId, even when groupId is not provided. |
SUR-7973 | Create driver API fails with "BadRequestError" message when optional parameter "organizationId" is not provided | To clarify the API requirements, the developer portal will be updated to explicitly note that the following parameters are mandatory when using a partner token:organizationId in query parameters organizationId in the data object of the request body |
SUR-8155 | The billing Status API returns the wrong response structure. | After correcting the issue, the response payload for/devices/{imei}/billing-status became (data property object as expected) |
Known issues
Issue ID | Problem |
KB issue | At some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility. |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. _Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
C8 September 2024
Developer Portal Documentation Enhancements
With this documentation enhancement, we updated the GET/audit logs with a recommendation to use pagination in the query paramters. This prevents timeouts when retrieving large amounts of data.
Webhook Upgrade
With this documentation enhancement, we deleted three parameters which were no longer relevant: "postedSpeed", "postedSpeedHgv", and "postedSpeedTrailor".
Bulk & Amp; Org Event Settings
In this enhancement, we added the line as follows: "Available for AI-12 devices with firmware 3.14 or higher."
Breaking Change
V2 Create/Update API endpoints - Validate user access level
Due to a more stringent validation process, the viewer role, which can be assigned to users in the Partner Portal, only has access to limited functions across all platforms.
Breaking Change
Add event type validation for "accon"&"accoff“ events
The events accOff and accOn are available as text only, without snapshots or videos.
C7 August 2024
New features and enhancements
Increase video protection through watermarks
Our solution empowers partners and end-customers with greater protection of the video. It allows embedding customizable watermarks on captured videos and snapshots.
Use the cloud service to provide time zone updates
Some cellular providers do not provide Daylight Savings Time updates, so we developed our own service for this.
Increased data security with an enhanced encryption mechanism
We upgraded the level of data security by hardening the encryption mechanism on the device side with more robust encryption algorithms.
Hotspot control
You can now remotely designate a dashcam as a hotspot. Your security posture is enhanced by controlling the enablement of dashcam as a hotspot.
Increase data reliability by consolidating data communication points
There is now a new option to consolidate domains used in media links.
Retrieve all partner devices with a new API Endpoint
You can increase efficiency and save time by retrieving all partner organization's devices with a new API Endpoint, Retrieve partner devices (GET/partners/ devices).
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-7492 | No webhook sent when a virtual event is created with the "none" mediaType. | We now send webhooks for a virtual event even when there are no media files. |
SUR-7775 | Retrieve device data usage V2 endpoint – missing request ID from reply. | We added "reauestId". The results now include "requestID". |
Known issues
Issue ID | Problem |
KB issue | At some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility. |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. _Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
C6 July 2024
New features and enhancements
Added subscription ID updates to audit logs
When a device subscription ID is updated the action is recorded in the audit log. The subscription ID relates to whether or not a device will update firmware automatically when available. The response to theGET /audit-logs API call now includes the following additional information:
- The message "Device subscription id update"
- The reason, or source, for the update
- When the subscription was updated
- The user who initiated the update
- The previous and new subscription ID values. A value of 10 or above means firmware updates are not made automatically
Endpoint documentation updates to clarify endpoint functionality
API call descriptions have been updated to clarify their functions. The following notes have been added where applicable:
- Note: PUT calls update data entirely. Any data not mentioned in the call, will be deleted.
- Note: POST calls create new data, and do not affect existing data.
- Note: PATCH calls update data partially. Any data not mentioned in the call, will be kept as is.
New systemMessages parameter for notification of removed devices
A new systemMessges
webhook type, deviceRemoved
, has been added to enable a webhook notification when a device is removed from a partner's inventory. The new system messages webhook is available in the POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings
, PUT /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, and GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
API calls.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-7527 | In some cases, when a virtual event was created when the dashcam first wakes up, the media for virtual events was not displayed and an error message was received. | Virtual events are created when the dashcam first wakes up and the media is added when it is ready. |
SUR-7656 | The field partnerId was added to the webhook payload resulting in an error message when the webhook system message type deviceStatus was sent. |
The additional field in the webhook payload was removed so that the webhook notifications work as expected. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Webhooks | deviceRemoved system message webhook type added | |
Add device to webhook subscription Replace webhooks subscription device Update device webhooks settings Retrieve organization webhooks |
deviceRemoved system message webhook type added | |
Known issues
Issue ID | Problem |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
SUR-6004 | For a period of time between March 13th and March 28th, all MV+AI beep events (available only through the API) were classified as distracted driving beep events in the cloud. This is no longer occurring. We are working on correctly classifying the beep events from the time period above. |
C5 June 2, 2024
New features and enhancements
New endpoint to make partial updates to webhook configurations
The new endpoint PATCH organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings
updates only the webhook settings that are configured in the call. Any webhook settings not configured in the call, remain as they are.
New parameter to assign accessLevel to a partner user
In the POST /partners/{partnerId}/contacts
API endpoint, a new parameter is available to assign access level to a partner
contact. Options for access level include viewer
, editor
and editorWithoutMediaAccess
. This parameter is optional, with the default being editor
. For more information about user access levels, see Users.
New parameters added to privacy device settings to restrict event creation and live streaming video
In endpoints for device configurations and settings, under the existing privacy
object, two new optional parameters have been added.
- When set tofalse
, all events, audio, and visual alerts will not be created. If virtual events are triggered while the event is enabled, but the privacy settings disable it, an error code will be returned. When set totrue
all events, audio, and visual alerts are created according to device and event configuration.:::info Note
In privacy configurations, if
is set totrue
, but a camera parameter is set tofalse
, the camera parameter will prevent event or media, according to the configuration.Additionally, if
is set tofalse
, butmvaiEnabled
is set totrue
, MV+AI events are not created.:::
- When set tofalse
, viewing live streaming videos from the device is not possible. This occurs even if theliveVideo
parameter is enabled. When set totrue
, live streaming video is allowed according to device configuration.
Improvements to descriptions for device brightness
In API calls related to device settings, information was added to brightness
parameter to describe the screen brightness setting. Screen brightness for a device is set using a linear scale from 0 to 255.
Improvements to descriptions for the GET/audit-logs API call
In GET/audit-logs
API call, information was added to parameter descriptions to clarify which details of users and actions are recorded in the audit log.
Enable using the device as a hotspot by API
Within the hotSpot
object in device configuration API calls, a new parameter, hotspotEnabled
, allows users to enable or disable the ability of the device to act as a mobile hotspot. This is available for AI-12 devices only.
Devices cannot downgrade firmware to before firmware version 3.12.25
Due to enhanced security features deployed as part of firmware version 3.12.25, devices that have been upgraded to firmware versions higher than 3.12.25 cannot downgrade the firmware version to one that is lower than 3.12.25.
API service changes
This change may impact your use of the API service.
Different PIN numbers are necessary for driver and admin PINS
The same PIN number cannot be assigned to both a driver and an admin PIN in an organization. Until now trying to configure the same PIN number was rejected and a 200 code was returned. Now, if the same PIN number is assigned to both a driver and an admin PIN, the operation fails, and an error code is returned.
This applies whether the request to assign the same number is made in one, or multiple API calls using the following API endpoints:
PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config
PUT /devices/device-config
POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6736 | Virtual events were created with media files from auxiliary cameras that were not connected, which resulted in missing media. | A check was created to only use media files from connected. |
SUR-6999 | When a driver is assigned to a device via API, it was not recorded as an event. | When a driver is assigned to a device via API, it is recorded as an event. |
SUR-7159 | In some cases, geofence events were configured as media events, even though they are text only.In some cases, powerDisconnnectAlarm was configured for audio alerts, even though this is not supported. |
The database was updated with valid configurations for geofence and powerDisconnnectAlarm . |
SUR-7332 | The response to the POST/devices/bulk-data-usage API call sometimes returned the information for the mobileTx parameter in the wrong format. |
The response to the POST/devices/bulk-data-usage API call returns the information for the mobileTx parameter in the correct format. |
SUR-7344 | Sending the POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks API call deletes configurations that are not updated with the call. |
This is by design for this POST API call. A new API call PATCH organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings allows for partial updates to webhook configurations. |
SUR-7411 | In some cases, media was not available for virtual events from auxiliary camera media. | A retry mechanism has been implemented with auxiliary cameras to maximize the chance of successful upload of event media. |
SUR-7416 | The React component to calibrate road-facing ADAS did not work on Apple. | A deprecated library used by the component was replaced by an updated library, and the component is now functioning as expected. |
SUR-7426 | A partner user contact that was created via API could be created without an assigned access level, and could not be modified in the Partner Portal. | In the POST /partners/{partnerId}/contacts API endpoint, a new paramater is available to assign access levels to a partner contact. |
SUR-7432 | In some cases, the audit log was missing records of a new user creation. | New users are recorded in the audit log. |
SUR-7454 | In some cases, event videos were different lengths of time when retrieved from the in-cabin-facing lens and the road-facing lens. | Event videos are the same amount of time when retrieved from the in-cabin-facing and the road-facing. |
SUR-7506 | In some cases virtual event snapshots were not available in the media file link that was sent. | The media file is sent with the link for virtual events. |
SUR-7598 | In some cases, the API calls PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config and GET /devices/{imei}/event-config returned a 500 error. |
The API calls PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config and GET /devices/{imei}/event-config perform as expected. |
Documentation updates
Known issues
Issue ID | Problem |
SUR-3605 | Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming. We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions. |
SUR-5044 | Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached. Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off. |
SUR-6004 | For a period of time between March 13th and March 28th, all MV+AI beep events (available only through the API) were classified as distracted driving beep events in the cloud. This is no longer occurring. We are working on correctly classifying the beep events from the time period above. |
C4 May 2024
New features and enhancements
New user without access to media
A new user access level has been created to allow users to view information without access to media. This user level, Editor without media access, can be assigned in the Partner Portal.
New parameter for ADAS calibration status
In the GET/device-health
API call, the new parameter adasCalibrationCompleted
returns the status of ADAS calibration for devices in an organization. Response 1
is for calibrated devices, and null
is for non-calibrated devices.
Retrieve auxiliary camera connectivity status in health report
The API call GET/device-health
now returns auxiliary camera connectivity status information in a new object, auxiliaryCameras
"data": [
"imei": "Aragorn's car",
"status": 1,
"name": "357660101000198",
"organizationId": 17,
"partnerId": 1,
"lastConnectedAt": "2024-04-16T11:12:25.422Z",
"lastRecordingUpdatedAt": "2024-04-16T10:56:41.000Z",
"lastRecordingHealth": true,
"subscriptionId": null,
"calibrationCompleted": true,
"auxNum": null,
"dataUsageReceivedAt": "2024-04-16T10:56:49.000Z",
"lastSwitchedToRecordingUnhealthyAt": "2023-09-03T17:36:11.000Z",
"auxiliaryCameras": [
"id": 51,
"lastConnectedAt": "2024-04-16T10:58:05.000Z"
"id": 52,
"lastConnectedAt": "2024-04-16T09:42:51.000Z"
"sdCardFreeSpace": "12510240KB",
"sdCardTotalSpace": "124821728KB",
"adasCalibrationCompleted": false
"metadata": {
"count": 1
"requestId": "28b13b4d-2423-4f4c-83f0-282eae3e9995"
Updates to API reference documentation to clarify webhook configurations
Changes were made to the API reference documentation for the PUT/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
and POST/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
API calls, to clarify webhook configurations for specific webhook updates. For more information, see: Replace webhooks subscription devices and Add device to webhook subscription.
Partners can review all actions performed on their devices in the audit log
Partners can retrieve information about all changes to their devices that are made through an API call or the Surfsight Portal. Until today partners only retrieved actions done with their own token, going forward partners can see actions by all users.
The API call GET/audit-logs
has been updated to filter and return information for the following new parameters:
- ID of the entity that was changedentityType
- type of entity that was changed, whether a device, an organization, a partner, or a userentityPartnerID
- the partner the entity is associated withentityOrganizationID
- the organization the entity is associated with
Device configuration changes made in the Partner Portal are added to the audit log
All device configuration changes performed in the Partner Portal are recorded to the audit log. These changes as well as the user who was logged in to the Partner Portal at the time of the changes are returned with the API call GET/audit-logs
Audit log records user information for changes
Partners can retrieve information about the user that performed changes recorded in the audit log. The API call GET/audit-logs
now returns the userId
for any action. Since the same userId
can be assigned to a partner or user, a new parameter, userType
, allows partners to filter the results based on the desired user type, whether partner or user.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-7263 | laneWeaving and tailgating events were sometimes triggered even if the Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) wasn't calibrated. |
laneWeaving and tailgating events are not triggered unless the Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) is calibrated. Documentation about these events have been updated to state clearly that ADAS must be calibrated correctly to trigger these events. |
SUR-7184 | In some cases, event media for virtual events was not displayed and an error message was received. | A retry mechanism has been implemented to maximize the chance of successful upload of event media. |
SUR-6915 | In the following API calls, requests using a partner token for the call require the organizationId to be specified. However, this parameter wasn't listed in the documentation. The API calls are POST/drivers/devices , GET/driving-history , and DELETE/drivers/devices . |
The organizationId parameter is listed in the API documentation. |
Documentation updates
C3 March 31, 2024
New features and enhancements
New API endpoint to retrieve WiFi password
A new randomized Wifi password is automatically generated when a hotspot is enabled for the first time on a device. A new API call, POST /devices/wifi-password
has been created to retrieve this password.
This increases security when auxiliary cameras are connected to the AI-12 dashcam. Only partners are able to use this call to retrieve the new password. Available only in devices with firmware version 3.12.202 or above.
Changes to the device billing status are recorded in the audit log
Changes to the device billings status initiated in the Partner Portal are recorded in the audit log.
Device and event configuration changes to be added to the audit log
Device and event configuration changes made through the Surfsight Portal are now available in the audit log, under the same user information used to log into the Surfsight Portal.
Group column added to the health report CSV attachment
In the Devices Health area, when a health report is downloaded, there is a column listing the group a device is a associated with.
Event name added to the subject line of event and alert notification emails
In event and alert notification emails, the type of event is now listed in the subject line of the email.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-7272 | In some cases, Driver Check-In didn't check in drivers as expected. | Driver Check-In checks in drivers as expected. |
SUR-7096 | Requests to create a virtual event video failed when a full ten second video was unavailable. | When creating a virtual event, whatever part of the recording that is available for the virtual event is used for the virtual event video. |
SUR-7087 | In some cases, after deactivation, connected devices continued to record video and trigger virtual events. | Only activated devices record video and trigger events. |
SUR-7059 | Some virtual events that request a video return a snapshot. | Virtual events that request a video return a video. |
SUR-5893 | In some cases, event media for virtual events was not displayed and an error message was received. | A retry mechanism has been implemented to maximize the chance of successful upload of event media. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
New API endpoint | New WiFi password endpoint POST /devices/wifi-password | |
C2 March 2024
New features and enhancements
New API endpoints to set and retrieve device billing status
Changing the billing status may result in additional fees. For more information see an upcoming article about billing in the Developer Portal, or contact your partner success manager.
Users with partner level permission can set devices' billing status with the API calls PUT /devices/{imei}/billing-status/{billingStatus}
for individual devices and PUT /devices/billing-status/{billingStatus}
for devices in bulk.
To retrieve billing status information for individual devices or devices in an organization use the new API calls GET /devices/{imei}/billing-status
or GET /organizations/{orgId}/devices/billing-status
, respectively.
Partners can subscribe to the new system message webhook, deviceBillingStatus
, for notification of billing status changes for each device.
Changes to billing statuses do not affect device data or a device's organization association.
Automated billing for auxiliary cameras and related updates by API call or webhook
If a factory reset is performed from a device, the data profile configuration will be restored from the saved cloud configuration. Data usage itself will be reset and not sent again from the cloud.
New API endpoint to request all event file links in an array
The new GET/devices/{imei}/event-file-links
API call returns an array of media file links. Optional parameters include filetype
to filter by video or snapshot, and cameraId
. If cameraId
is left blank all files are returned by default.
"data": {
"urls": [
"cameraId": 1,
"url": ""
"cameraId": 2,
"error": "Requested file was either not found or uploaded yet"
"cameraId": 52,
"error": "Camera does not exist"
Deprecated endpoint DELETE /organization/{orgId}
to be removed
The API call DELETE /organization/{orgId}
is being removed. The API call DELETE /organizations/{orgId}
was previously added to the Developer Portal to replace it. Adding the s at the end of the organization keeps the call consistent with other Organizations
API calls.
The DELETE /organization/{orgId}
will be removed with the deployment on March 3, 2024. Users should use the DELETE /organizations/{orgId}
API call to avoid problems with their integration.
This change may impact your use of the API service.
Documentation updated to reflect password requirements
Password-related endpoint descriptions were updated to reflect validated password requirements which necessitate at least eight characters per password, including one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, and one number. Possible characters include letters, numbers, and special characters. Updated endpoints are listed in the Documentation updates, below.
Audit log additions to help track configuration changes
The following bulk actions have been added to the audit log to keep track of details regarding each action. Single updates are already logged. For more information, see Audit logs.
- Bulk updates
- Factory reset
- Device name change
- Assign or remove a device from a sub-partner
- Updated SD card recording retention time
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6133 | The event type activated was listed in the enum and accepted in the following API calls PUT/devices/{imei}/event-config , PUT/devices/event-config , POST/organizations/{orgId}/event-settings , and POST/organizations/{orgId}/events . |
The event type activated is invalid and is no longer accepted in the following API calls: UT/devices/{imei}/event-config , PUT/devices/event-config , POST/organizations/{orgId}/event-settings , and POST/organizations/{orgId}/events . Using the event type activated returns an error message. The correct event type to use is deviceActivation .These changes may impact your use of the API service. |
SUR-7070 | General distracted driver beeps were triggered instead of specific beep messages. | Specific distracted driving beeps are triggered as applicable. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Authenticate users Reset password User-Initiated Password Change Create user Create partner contact |
Updated password description | |
Webhooks | Updated new webhook types for system message notifications | |
Billing status | New billing status article. | |
C1 February 2024
New features and enhancements
Auxiliary camera information added to the GET /devices/{imei}/telemetry
Telemetry information has been added to the GET devices/{imei}/telemetry
API response in the new auxCameras
parameter. Information is retrieved for all connected auxiliary cameras. The following is an example of the telemetry response:
"data": {
"firmwareVersion": "3.9.53",
"deviceModel": "AI-12",
"lastSeenOnline": "2020-01-01T14:48:00.000Z",
"simNetworkType": "4G",
"simOperator": "Cellcom IL",
"simState": "ready",
"simNumber": "12345678",
"calibrationCompleted": true,
"sdCardInserted": true,
"sdCardCapacityBytes": 127817449472,
"sdCardFreeBytes": 46724284416,
"adasCalibrationReady": true,
"adasCalibrationCompleted": true,
"wifiEnabled": true,
"wifiConnected": true,
"wifiSignalLevel": "-50",
"auxCameras": [{"camera_id":52,"model":"C6F0SeZ3N0PcL2","fw_version":"V11.","ip_address":"","state":"connected","sd_status":"Ready","sd_free_space":"1866176 KB","sd_total_space":"62352448 KB"},{"camera_id":51,"model":"C6F0SeZ3N0PcL2","fw_version":"V11.","ip_address":"","state":"connected","sd_status":"Ready","sd_free_space":"3030112 KB","sd_total_space":"62352448 KB"}]
New metadata parameters added to the GET /device-config
API call response
The parameters source
, status
, and time
attributes have been added as metadata
to the response of the GET /device-config
API call.
- The
parameter states whether the data was retrieved from the device, or if the data was taken from thecloud
. If the device is offline, data is retrieved from the last configuration in cloud. - The
parameter states whether the device isonline
, or instandby
mode. - The
parameter states when the data was retrieved. If the device is online, the time listed is when the data is retrieved from the device. If the device is offline, the time listed is the last configuration in the cloud.
time: "2022-02-16T07:14:00.000Z // ISO format, in UTC
Parameter added to the GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
API call to filter by IMEI number
When requesting organization webhooks with the GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
API, partners can use the new optional parameter, imei
, to filter by device IMEI number and retrieve only the webhooks for that device. If this parameter is not included in the API call, the response will include all devices, as usual.
New parameters added to the GET /device-health
API call response
The objects calibrationCompleted
and auxNum
are now returned in the response to theGET /device-health
API call.
describes the acceleration calibration state with responsestrue
for calibrated, andnull
, for not calibrated.auxNum
lists the number of connected auxiliary cameras. If no number is available the response isnull
Increased number of user contacts
Partners can now create up to 100 users using thePOST /partners/{partnerId}/contacts
API call.
Update to the description in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config
API call
The description for the recordingEncryption
parameter in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config
call has been updated to clarify the requirements for the recording encryption key.
Updated descriptions about media files for events created at the same time
The following information was updated in introductory descriptions in several API calls:
If multiple events are generated with the same timestamp, to the second, and the same media type, the media file from the last request is used for all of them. To have different media files for each virtual event, use timestamps that differ by at least a second.
For a list of the updated API descriptions see the Documentation updates below.
New endpoint DELETE /organizations/{orgId}
added to replace DELETE /organization/{orgId}
The API call DELETE /organizations/{orgId}
was added to the Developer Portal because the API call DELETE /organization/{orgId}
, is being deprecated. The addition of the s
at the end of organization
keeps the call consistent with other Organizations
API calls.
The DELETE /organization/{orgId}
will be removed with the deployment on March 4, 2024. Users should use the DELETE /organizations/{orgId}
API call to avoid problems with their integration.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6852 | In some cases, when creating a virtual event the webhook notification of a new event was retrieved before the response to the API call POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event . |
Responses to POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event API call, and virtual event webhooks are returned in a timely manner. |
SUR-6845 | The GPS data associated with some virtual events wasn't accurate and showed incorrect information in some snapshot overlays. | The GPS data associated with virtual events is taken from the time of the event. |
Documentation updates
E23-24 January 2024
New features and enhancements
New option to request all media files, or multiple files, for an event with a single API call
When retrieving media files from either the GET/devices/{imei}/event-file-link
or GET/devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot
API calls, users can now request all the media files, or multiple media files, associated with an event with one API call. Making a request with the parameter cameraId
requests files from all cameras, including both in-cabin-facing and road-facing lenses. The cameraIds
parameter can be used to specify files from multiple lenses when the parameter cameraId=
Partners can choose to receive additional webhook notifications for alarm status
Partners can opt-in to receive additional webhook notifications for alarm status when they enable the subscribeForAlarmUpdates
parameter in the following calls: POST/organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings
, POST/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, and PUT/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
By default partners are opted out. When opted out, partners receive webhook notifications for alarm creation only. By opting in, partners receive additional alarm webhook notifications when alarms are closed as well.
New webhook notification for closed alarm status
If partners have opted in to receive additional webhook notifications about alarm status, they receive additional information in the payload including that an alarm was closed.
When enabled, the GET/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
call returns the following additional information in the payload:
"type": "alarms",
"data": {
"id": 26588,
"imei": "357660102684628",
"name": "357660102684628",
"organizationId": 100021718,
"organizationName": "Org&",
"details": "",
"alarmDefinitionCode": "133",
"createdAt": "2023-12-24T11:03:03.000Z",
"alarmDefinitionId": 1,
"alarmDefinition": {
"id": 1,
"severity": 30,
"hierarchy": 20,
"code": "133",
"name": "SD Card is not mounted, the camera is not recording video",
"recommendation": "Reboot Camera, if the SD card is still not recognized, try formatting the SD card or replacing it",
"createdAt": "2020-06-08T11:16:47.000Z"
"alarmStatus": 0,
"userId": 1142,
"userEmail": ""
for created alarms and1
for a closed alarm.userId
for actions performed by the system, such as an opened alarm, or when an alarm is automatically closed. Auser_id
is provided when an alarm is closed manually by a user.userEmail
is a string that contains the user email address, or is empty if the action was performed by the system.
New parameters to receive device counts for devices pending activation and locked
When retrieving information from the GET/partners/operational-statistics
call, partners can now retrieve device counts for the parameters pendingActivation
and locked
, in addition to activated
and deactivated
currently available. The count for deactivated
devices is a combination of the devices that are pending activation and locked.
Webhook ID included in the response to POST/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
When adding a device to a webhook subscription, webhookId
is now included in the response to the POST/organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
"webhookId": 217,
"requestId": "df5fg-45fgfdsg-45fg-45454"
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6644 | If two events are created with the same timestamp, in some cases, the mediaAvailability parameter returns incorrect information in the event webhook notification. |
Event webhook notifications give correct information for the mediaAvailability parameter. |
SUR-6693 | In some cases, the alarms shown in the Alarms Report , or returned through the API service, do not match those returned in the webhook notification. |
The alarms shown in the Alarms Report , or returned through the API service, match those returned in the webhook notification. |
SUR-6718 | An Organization with the same name as a pre-existing Organization could be created. |
An Organization cannot be created with the same name as a pre-existing Organization . |
Documentation updates
E21-22 December 2023
New features and enhancements
Lytx Conceal Service blurs images in media files
The Lytx Conceal Service blurs license plates, as well as faces of drivers, passengers, and passersby on event media files that are stored in the cloud. It is available through the API service only.
This cloud service is available through the optional parameter, conceal
, in the API call GET/devices/{imei}/event-file-link
. The feature can be applied to media that has been generated from all lenses, including the road- and in-cab facing lenses of the dash cam and auxiliary cameras.
As part of the initial release, the Lytx Conceal Service is available only for video clips and snapshots captured as triggered events. Lytx Conceal Service is available for reseller partners connected to the EU cloud.
The blurredMediaAvailability
parameter has been added to responses to GET/devices/{imei}/events
, GET/devices/{imei}/events/{eventId}
, and POST/organizations/{orgId}/events
API calls to determine if blurred media is available. Responses true
and false
indicate that the media is available or not available, respectively.
Furthermore, the new parameter, blurredMediaAvailable
, has been added to the events webhook structure to notify partners when media is available for a new event. Responses true
and false
indicate that the media is available or not available, respectively.
Simulated Alarms capability
New POST /devices/{imei}/alarm-simulator
API call allows users to create simulated alarms. Users may perform all operations on this alarm, as if it was a regular system generated alarm. Metadata in the request can be used to explain what is being tested, and is automatically included as a comment.
Alarm details are available through the GET/alarms
, and GET/alarms/{alarmId}
API calls.
Clear error message when using invalid code for adminPin or driverPin
When sending a PUT /device-config
API call using 4121 as adminPin
or driverPin
, a new error message clearly states that this code is not valid in these cases, and to choose another code.
Apply organization profile to settings following firmware version update
When a firmware version is updated in a device, a new workflow automatically applies the organization settings that are relevant to the new firmware version. This maintains device and event settings as configured prior to the firmware change and adds the supported organization settings for the new version. Updates are recorded in the audit log.
Opt out of the 'mediaAvailable' webhook
Partners can choose to opt out of the mediaAvailable
webhook notification. Opting out removes the mediaAvailable
parameter from the Event
webhook notification, and produces only one webhook per event.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6104 | Documentation for the POST/organizations/{orgId}/bulk-devices API call showed an incorrect response. |
Documentation for the POST/organizations/{orgId}/bulk-devices API call shows the correct response. |
SUR-6430 | Some parameters in the GET/device-health API call were not returning expected response. |
Parameters in the GET/device-health API call return the expected response. |
Documentation updates
E19-20 November 2023
New features and enhancements
Validation of dataType
in event configurations
The following events only allow text for data type, the dataType
parameter none
. Until now trying to configure the event to snapshot or video was ignored and did not return an error. From now on, the wrong dataType will result in an error code 400 and message.
This applies to the following events for the PUT /devices/event-config
, PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config
, and POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings
API calls:
These changes may impact your use of the API service.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6575 | Documentation about Possible Fatigue event was incorrect. |
Documentation for the Possible Fatigue event contains the correct description of the event. |
SUR-6530 | In some cases, virtual event requests returned an error message due to a problem with the start and end time calculations. | Virtual events are created with the proper start and end time. |
SUR-6520 | Sometimes there was an extra webhook sent for the mediaAvailable message with the value true for both cameras. |
Only the necessary webhook status messages are sent out. |
SUR-6477 | In some cases, the number of GPS webhook notifications were reduced following a service disruption. | GPS webhook notifications are received as expected. |
SUR-6406 | More video events were created than allowed in the data profile. | Video events keep to the limit allowed in the data profile. |
SUR-6267 | In some cases, when a virtual event request was made with the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event call, the event wasn't created, but the video was saved to the cloud. |
When a virtual event request is sent, the event and corresponding video are created and saved to the cloud. |
SUR-6223 | In some cases, a virtual event request didn't save video from both the in-cabin-facing lens and the road-facing lens, as expected. | The virtual event request saves all the recordings as expected. |
SUR-6178 | If the GET /devices/{imei}/cameras API call was sent while the camera was offline, an error code 500 was returned with an internal server error message. |
Now if the device is offline, the 417 error code will return with a message that the device is offline. These changes may impact your use of the API service. |
SUR-5811 | Responses for the lastSeenOnline parameter were inconsistent across platforms. |
The responses for lastSeenOnline are consistent across platforms. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Retrieve events settings Bulk configure events settings Set events settings Update default event settings |
Update to possibleFatigue and drivingDuration descriptions | |
E17-18 October 15, 2023
New features and enhancements
Retrieve mediaFileAvailability
parameter in API calls requesting event information
The mediaFileAvailability
parameter has been added to responses to GET/devices/{imei}/events
, GET/devices/{imei}/events/{eventId}
, and POST/organizations/{orgId}/events
API calls to determine if media is available. Responses True
and False
indicate that the media is available or not available, respectively.
Create a virtual event without media
A new mediaType
option, none
has been added to the POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event
API call. Sending none
in this parameter, creates the virtual event with no media.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6374 | In some cases, when a virtual event was created with the POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event API call at the same time as other events, the virtual event did not return as requested. |
Virtual events are created as detailed in the request for the POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event API call at all times. |
SUR-6365 | Documentation for parameters in the POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event API call did not give information for video quality parameters. |
Additional information has been added to the POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event documentation to clarify video quality information. |
SUR-6364 | In some cases, the response time for GET /device-config API call was 30 seconds or more. |
The response time for the GET /device-config API call has been shortened. |
SUR-6308 | The documentation for GET/device-health API call listed values that did not match those returned in the response to the API call. |
The documentation has been clarified to include a description of the values that are returned in the API call. |
SUR-5854 | In some cases the GET/devices/{imei}/device-config API call returned a response without values for some parameters. |
In the GET/devices/{imei}/device-config API call if there is no value for a parameter that parameter is not listed in the response. |
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Generate virtual event | Documentation updated to include more parameter information. | |
Retrieve health reports | Documentation updated to include values returned in the API. | |
E15-16 October 1, 2023
New features and enhancements
Configure video and snapshot media for standbyEnter
and standbyExit
Video and snapshot data types can be configured for Entering standby
and Exiting Standby
events through the PUT/devices/{imei}/event-config
, PUT/devices/event-config
, and POST/organizations/{orgId}/event-settings
API calls. The three options for dataType
are none
for text only notifications, video
to record a video event, and snapshot
to receive a snapshot of the event with timestamp. When a video event is selected, the recording for the standbyEnter
event is recorded for ten seconds before the event, and the recording for the standbyExit
event is recorded for ten seconds after the event.
New webhook type to receive system notifications.
The new webhook type, systemMessagesWebhook
, has been added to the POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings
call. This enables partners to be notified of two new messages:
The message type dataProfileLimit
sends a notification when a configurable data profile limit has been reached. The dataProfileLimit
can be configured to send notification when the data usage is between 10% to 100% of the data profile limit. The default is 90%.
Supported data profile limits include: Total bandwidth, Live video minutes per month, Video events per day, Video events per month, and Recording video minutes per month.
If the configured limit is reached, a message is sent to the webhook URL to warn that the configured limit for that data profile has been reached.
The message type deviceStatus
sends a notification with each status change for a device. Updates are sent when a device status changes to offline
, online
, or standby
The new webhook type is also available in the calls GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, PUT /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, and POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
Webhook message when media file is ready
The new parameter, mediaAvailable
, has been added to the events webhook structure to notify partners when media is available for a new event. Responses True
and False
indicate that the media is available or not available, respectively. If multiple files are involved, such as recordings from both road-facing and in-cabin lenses, or auxiliary cameras, a new message will be sent for each media file when it becomes available.
"type": "event",
"data": {
"id": 7306791,
"serialNumber": "357660101039543",
"eventType": "cell_phone_use",
"time": 1634797394,
"lat": 32.1763837,
"lon": 34.92067202,
"alt": 54.01348876953125,
"speed": 32.580000686645505,
"other": "",
"files": [
"cameraId": 1,
"file": 1634797394,
"fileType": "video",
"cameraId": 2,
"file": 1634797394,
"fileType": "video",
Posted speed data is available by webhook
Three parameters, postedSpeed
, postedSpeedHgv
, and postedSpeedTrailer
are now sent in the payload of the GPS webhook.
"id": 284785715,
"serialNumber": "357660101039543",
"time": 1634716401,
"lat": 32.16427726,
"lon": 34.9046395,
"alt": 64.57598876953125,
"speed": 1.7200000286102295,
"postedSpeed": 100,
"postedSpeedHgv": 100,
"postedSpeedTrailer": 100,
"accuracy": 1.2160000801086426
More accurate error message for POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event
API call when a device is offline
When sending POST/devices/{imei}/virtual-event
API call, and the time requested is out of retention period, the error message returned states "The time
parameter is out of range according to the retention period configured for the device organization.", even when the device is offline, rather than only stating the device is offline.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6361 | When requesting a list of trips with the GET/devices/{imei}/trips API call, some trips were inconsistent with the trips listed in the Surfsight Portal. |
Trips returned in the GET/devices/{imei}/trips call are consistent with the trips listed in the Surfsight Portal. |
SUR-6175 | The POST/organizations/{orgId}/events call did not return information with an organization token, it was only available for partner tokens. |
The POST/organizations/{orgId}/events call returns information with an organization or partner token. |
SUR-6155 | In rare cases, recordings were available outside the configured retention time. | There are no recordings available outside the configured retention time. |
SUR-5818 | The health report, downloaded as a CSV file, included a column with unnecessary information. | The health report, downloaded as a CSV file, only includes the necessary information. |
Documentation updates
E13-14 August 2023
New features and enhancements
New endpoint to delete organizations from a partner account
The new API call, DELETE /organization/{orgId}
, allows partners to delete organizations they are not using from within their accounts. Only empty organization are able to be deleted.
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Delete organization | New endpoint to delete empty organizations. | |
E11-12 July 2023
New features and enhancements
Added validation to POST /virtual-event
API call.
Due to a new more stringent validation process, when using the POST / virtual-event
API call, the service will verify that the requested event date is within the organization retention period. If the date is not within this time period, an error will be returned. The error code will be 400 and the error message will be: The time
parameter is out of range according to the retention period configured for the device organization.
Set device data profile with new API endpoints
New endpoints have been added to set device data profiles. Users can configure settings for a single device, in bulk and at the organization level. Only a partner token will be able to set the profile.
PUT /devices/{imei}/data-profile/{dataProfileId}
to set the device data profile.PUT /devices/data-profile/{dataProfileId}
to set data profile for devices in bulk.PUT /organizations/{orgId}/devices/data-profile/{dataProfileId}
to sets the data profile for the organization's devices.- The parameter
is available for retrieving information.
Add rejection reason to POST /organizations/{orgId}/bulk-devices responses
When attempting to add a device through the POST /organizations/{orgId}/bulk-devices
API call, if a device is rejected there are new responses to indicate the reason for the rejection. The following error messages have been added to the responses to POST /organizations/{orgId}/bulk-devices
- 1000 - Group not found;
- 1001 - Device already assigned;
- 1002 - IMEI not found;
- 1003 - Device locked;
- 1004 - Failure in ai-14 authorization.
Added organization actions to Audit log
The following actions are added to the audit log to keep track of details regarding each action. For more information, see Audit logs.
- Add organization
- Update organization
- Update organization settings
- Update default device settings
- Update default event settings
- Update device webhook settings
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5062 | If a user's email address was already added as a and then was added to an organization, no error message appeared. | If a user is added as a partner or to an organization, if the same email address is added to one of these again, an error message is received. |
SUR-6135 | The response sample listed for the GET /organizations/{orgId} API call in the documentation was incorrect. |
The response sample for GET /organizations/{orgId} is inline with the actual response. |
SUR-6142 | When using the GET /organizations/{orgId} API call with a partner token the response includes ssoSecret field but this was not reflected in the documentation. |
Documentation for the GET /organizations/{orgId} reflects the correct response. |
SUR-6155 | In rare cases, recordings were available outside the configured retention time. | There are no recordings available outside the configured retention time. |
SUR-6182 | For some devices, error 500 is returned from GET/devices/{imei}/device-config API call, when the device is offline. |
The GET /devices/{imei}/device-config API call returns a 200 code and device settings when device is offline. |
SUR-6211 | The documentation for the API call GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks did not include the webhook ID in the response. |
The documentation for API call GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks includes the webhook ID in the response. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Retrieve organization details | Updated the response samples and documentation. | |
Bulk add devices | Included updated codes. | |
Retrieve organization webhooks | Updated response sample. | |
E9-10 June 2023
New features and enhancements
User IDs are added to all API calls in the audit log API
Now a user ID will be associated with each API call in the audit log API.
The Recording streaming reusable component has new and enhanced functionality
We have added new functionality to the recording streaming reusable component, making it more intuitive and easy to operate. Enhancements include:
- New input allowing users to select a specific time on the timeline, similar to moving the cursor across the timeline. This is configurable using the new
parameter. - Trips can be displayed on the timeline. This is configurable using the new
parameter. -
Events can now be displayed on the timeline. This is configurable using the new
parameter. Event visualizations include:- events displayed on the timeline according to the time they occurred;
- events displayed with an icon configurable for color, icon, and name, using the new
parameter; - when hovering over the icon, it expands to show the name and timestamp;
- clicking on the event opens the event media reusable component, if enabled using
parameter; - if there are multiple events and not enough room to display them all, the event will show an icon with a number of events. Clicking this icon opens a dropdown with all the event names and links.
For more information, see Recording timeline component.
Due to a new more stringent validation process, when using the POST / virtual-event
API call, the service will verify that the requested event date is within the organization retention period. If the date is not within this time period, an error will be returned. The error code will be 400 and the error message will be: The time
parameter is out of range according to the retention period configured for the device organization.
These changes will be released in the next release, scheduled for July 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact your Technical Account Manager.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-6091 | In some cases, when possibleFatigue events are disabled they are still triggered and returned as events. |
When the possibleFatigue event is disabled it is not triggered. |
SUR-5979 | Some MV+AI events have been duplicated with the same timestamp. | MV+AI events are not duplicated. |
SUR-5885 | Some responses for the lastSeenOnline parameter from GET/organizations/{orgId}/devices are inconsistent. |
The parameter is returned all the time. |
SUR-5711 | When some files are downloaded via Retrieve , the normal and high quality recordings display different time stamps. |
Recordings downloaded on normal quality and high quality display the same time stamps. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Recording timeline component | Documentation updated with new enhancements. | |
E7-8 May 2023
New features and enhancements
New sdCardFormatted
In devices with firmware 3.11.25 or above, each time the SD card is formatted, through the device, or the GET /devices/{imei}/format-storage
API call, the sdCardFormatted
event is triggered and the SD card receives a new UUID, a unique identifier.
In the GET /devices/{imei}/events/{eventId}
, GET /devices/{imei}/events
, and POST /organizations/{orgId}/events
API calls, as well as webhook, the response will include the new event, manufacturer information, and the UUID assigned to the most recent format.
This feature is only available on devices with firmware 3.11.25 or above.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5702 | The following parameters in the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config , POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings , and PUT devices/event-config API calls were optional and did not return an error when missing: PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config , POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings , and PUT devices/event-config . |
The following parameters are required in the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config , POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings , and PUT devices/event-config API calls: speedLimit , when configuring speedLimit events; drivingDuration , when configuring possibleFatigue events; headwayAlertDayThreshold , headwayAlertNightThreshold , and headwayAlertTime , when configuring tailgating events; and laneWeavingTimes and laneWeavingDurationSeconds , when configuring laneWeaving events.The API call returns an error when trying to enable the event type without the required parameters.These changes may impact your use of the API service. |
Due to a new more stringent validation process, in devices
with tailgating
events that had corrupted or missing configurations, the tailgating
events were disabled. Partners impacted by this situation were contacted directly by the Technical Account Manager team. If you have any questions please contact your Technical Account Manager.
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Event Syntax Retrieve event Retrieve list of events Retrieve organization events |
sdCardFormatted event added. | |
E5-6 April 30, 2023
New features and enhancements
Add new calls for bulk and organization data usage
The new POST /devices/bulk-data-usage
call returns an array with the data usage for a list of selected IMEIs for up to 100 devices per call.
The new GET /organizations/{orgId}/devices-data-usage
call returns an array with the data usage for all the devices in an organization. Default pagination is 100 devices per page with a maximum of 200 devices per page.
These calls do not return Twilio data. For Twilio data, use the GET /devices/{imei}/data-usage
call to retrieve data usage for each device.
These calls do not return Twilio data. For Twilio data, use the GET /devices/{imei}/data-usage
call to retrieve data usage for each device.
Recording timeline reusable component
Using our new recording timeline reusable component, you can now quickly and easily integrate our frontend features inside your application, while keeping your code reliable and consistent across different places and use cases. The recording timeline component shows available recordings in a timeline, enabling selecting, playing, and downloading recordings from a device that is online, or in standby mode. Our reusable component includes in-depth step-by-step guides. For more information, see About reusable components.
The components are reusable, meaning they can be implemented in multiple places inside the platform, eliminating the need to develop and maintain them all. They are configurable based on a list of variables, and their abilities can be extended by adding extra code.
The reusable components are designed to:
- make the integration process easier and faster
- reduce the amount of development resources necessary for integration
Developers can integrate by linking to the cloud, or alternatively embedding the component package within the partner's environment.
New webhook URL parameter for alarms
A new webhook alarm URL parameter, alarmsWebhookUrl
, has been added to the POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings
call. This parameter enables partners to receive device related alarms and react accordingly. This parameter is also available in the calls GET /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, PUT /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
, and POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhooks
New event parameters have been added to the Organization settings options
The events laneWeaving
and qrCode
have been added to the POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings
call for all devices in an organization.
Increased range for tailgating parameters
The maximum time for the headwayAlertDayThreshold
and headwayAlertNightThreshold
parameters have been increased to 15,000 milliseconds. These parameters can be found in the API calls PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config
, PUT /devices/event-config
, and POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5727 | Custom styling for reusable components didn't work in Safari iOS. | Custom styling for reusable components works as expected in all web browsers. |
SUR-5743 | Devices saved and uploaded events prior to device activation. | Events created before the device was activated are not saved. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Update device webhooks settings | Added new webhook URL parameter, alarmsWebhookUrl . | |
Add device to webhook subscription | Added new webhook URL parameter, alarmsWebhookUrl , to call requests and responses. | |
Replace webhooks subscription devices | Added new webhook URL parameter, alarmsWebhookUrl , to call requests and responses. | |
Retrieve organization webhooks | Added new webhook URL parameter, alarmsWebhookUrl , to call requests and responses. | |
Webhooks | Added information about the new webhook URL parameter, alarmsWebhookUrl . | |
Update default event settings | Added new event parameters. | |
Recording timeline component | Added new document about the recording timeline component. | |
Set events settings | Updated maximum time for the headwayAlertDayThreshold and headwayAlertNightThreshold parameters. | |
Bulk configure events settings | Updated maximum time for the headwayAlertDayThreshold and headwayAlertNightThreshold parameters. | |
Update default event settings | Updated maximum time for the headwayAlertDayThreshold and headwayAlertNightThreshold parameters. | |
E3-4 April 2023
New features and enhancements
Add liveVideoTimeoutSeconds parameter
The new liveVideoTimeoutSeconds
parameter enables users to set the amount of time a live video plays before ending automatically. Users can choose a time frame of 30 seconds or more.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5946 | Live streaming stops immediately after starting when using Safari browser. | Live streaming works as expected, stopping only when the preset time limit is reached, in all browsers. |
SUR-5869 | The documentation for the POST /organizations/{orgId}/devices/calibrate-accelerometer call stated the device must be online. |
The documentation for the POST /organizations/{orgId}/devices/calibrate-accelerometer call now states the device must be online or in standby mode. |
SUR-5739 | The example given for the response to the POST /organizations/{orgId}/events call was missing the imei parameter. |
Documentation in the Surfsight Developer Portal has been updated to the correct response. |
SUR-5519 | Responses for the GET /organizations/{orgId}/default-settings call returned sensitive information. |
The password parameter in the recordingEncryption object returned in the GET /organizations/{orgId}/default-settings call has been removed.These changes may impact your use of the API service. |
SUR-5574 | When a user attempted to create a virtual event with the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event call for a device to which they didn’t have access, an incorrect error message was returned. |
When a user attempts to create a virtual event with the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event call for a device to which they don’t have access, a 404 not found error is now returned regardless of the dashcam status. These changes may impact your use of the API service. |
SUR-5696 | Responses to the GET /devices/{imei}/data-usage call displayed the last thirty days.Responses included data that was not relevant. |
Responses for the GET /devices/{imei}data-usage call are now for the current month.The twilioFleet response object is renamed mobileProvider .Some data previously included in the response object has been removed. The response now looks similar to: { These changes may impact your use of the API service. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Update organization | New liveVideoTimeoutSeconds parameter added to documentation. | |
Stream live video | Stream live video | |
Retrieve organization events | Response corrected to include the mandatory imei parameter. | |
Calibrate accelerometers | Description corrected to apply to devices online and in standby mode. | |
E1-2 February 2023
New features and enhancements
New event for device activation
An event, deviceActivation
, is now triggered when a device is activated. This event is available in any calls where events are retrieved and via webhook.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5627 | The dashcam PIN 4121 is not available for use. However, it was possible to change the PIN to 4121 in the API. | Using the dashcam PIN 4121 returns the appropriate message that it is not available for use. |
SUR-5663 | When a dashcam was in standby mode, the GET /devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot call returned an error message when the time parameter was used. The call also returned the incorrect error message when the dashcam was offline. |
When a dashcam is in standby mode, the GET/devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot call with the time parameter returns the requested snapshot. The call returns the correct response message for every dashcam status. |
SUR-5702 | Event settings that were missing required parameters did not return an error message. | Event settings that are missing parameters return the appropriate error message. |
SUR-5741 | The GET /devices/{imei}/gps call on the EU cloud was slow. |
The GET /devices/{imei}/gps call on the EU cloud is now performing at the expected speed. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Event syntax | Add the deviceActivation event | |
E24-25 January 2023
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-4888 | The DELETE /devices/{imei}/events/{eventId} call was slow. |
The DELETE /devices/{imei}/events/{eventId} call is now performing at the expected speed. |
SUR-5770 | Some possibleFatigue events received through a webhook did not contain an event ID. |
All events have event IDs attached. |
E22-23 November 2022
No changes in this release.
E20-21 October 2022
New features and enhancements
Event media reusable component
Using our new event media reusable component, you can now quickly and easily integrate our frontend features inside your application while keeping your code reliable and consistent across different places and use cases. The event media component enables playing video or showing snapshots of an event from a specific device. Our reusable component includes in-depth step-by-step guides.
The components are reusable, meaning they can be implemented in multiple places inside the platform, eliminating the need to develop and maintain both. They are configurable based on a list of variables, and their abilities can be extended by adding extra code. Additionally, if the component appears in several places inside an application, a developer can copy the component to additional places in the project, configuring different functionality and appearance for each place separately.
The reusable components are designed to:
- make the integration process easier and faster
- reduce the amount of development resources necessary for integration
Developers can integrate by linking to the cloud, or alternatively embedding the component package within the reseller partner's environment.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5061 | When devices were offline, a 200 code was returned, indicating that there were no recordings available. | When devices are offline, a 417 code is now returned, indicating that the device is offline. |
SUR-5331 | Speeds were recorded even though vehicles were stationary. | No speed is recorded for stationary vehicles. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Event media component | Added specific details about the Event Media component. | |
E18-19 October 2022
New features and enhancements
The headwayAlertTime
parameter is the amount of time during which a vehicle continuously drives too closely to the vehicle in front of it. We increased the maximum value from 5,000 to 60,000 milliseconds.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-4895 | When users added dashcams to an organization, an error message was received, even though the dashcams were successfully added. | When users successfully add dashcams to an organization, no error message appears. |
SUR-5163 | Users could not perform a factory reset on dashcams that were not associated with an organization. | A factory reset can now be performed on all dashcams. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Calibrate road-facing ADAS | Update the maximum value of the headwayAlertTime parameter. | |
API reference Set event settings |
Update the maximum value of the headwayAlertTime parameter. | |
API reference Bulk configure settings |
Update the maximum value of the headwayAlertTime parameter. | |
E16-17 September 2022
New features and enhancements
Increased limit for purge days
Purge limit has been increased from 120 to a maximum of 366 days. The enhancement requires a commercial agreement. Please contact your account manager for more information.
Users with administrator permissions can now access device metadata
Once a device is added to an organization, users with administrator permissions can now access device metadata via GET /devices/imei/
API call.
E14-15 August 2022
New features and enhancements
Live Video reusable components
Using our new Live Video reusable componnent, you can now quickly and easily integrateour frontend features inside your application while keeping your code reliable andconsistent across different places and use cases. Our reusable component includes in-depth step-by-step guides.
The components are reusable, meaning they can be implemented in multiple places insidethe platformeliminating the need to develop and maintain both., they are configurablebased on a list of variables, and their abilities can be extended by adding extra code.Additionally, if the component appears in several places inside an application, a developercan copy the component to additional places in the project, configuringdifferentfunctionality and appearance for each place separately.
The reusable components are designed to:
- make the integration process easier and faster
- reduce the amount of development resources necessary for integration
Developers can integrate by linking to the cloud, or alternatively embedding thecomponent package within the reseller partner�s environment.
Enable Organization settings profile
SUR-4275 and SUR-5263
API calls now include the new isOrganizationProfileEnabled
parameter forenabling and disabling the Organization settings profile. When turned on, all new devices are automatically configured with this profile when added; when turned off, devices that are newly added to the organization do not get the configuration from this profile.
To toggle the profile on and off, use the new boolean parameter for the patchOrganization
API call. In addition, the getOrganization
call response now includes the current value for the parameter. The parameter default is enabled.
When the Organization settings profile is enabled and users configure settings using a combination of single, bulk and this profile, each device isconfigured based on its most recent updates, regardless of method.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue summary | Resolution |
SUR-5370 | The virtual event didn't create. The second generated virtual event with the same time in request: 200 with "eventId": null | Virtual events are now created correctly. |
Documentation updates | || | || |
E12-13 July 2022
New features and enhancements
Enter and exit standby events
Two new events, Entering standby and Exiting standby, are now available as text notifications, without video or a snapshot attached. GPS information is included in these events.
These events are triggered when a dashcam that is connected to constant power enters or wakes up from standby mode.
Users can configure this setting for single devices, in bulk and from the Organization level using the 'devices/{imei}/events' API endpoint.
Fixed items
Issue ID | Issue name | Resolution |
SUR-5101 | Specific IMEIs return a server error to obtain event configuration | Event settings are correctly retrieved for all devices with the GET /devices/event-config API call. |
SUR-5262 | Error code issue for the device setting API | When users successfully change driver position with the POST organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call, the correct response code is now returned. |
SUR-4947 | Error code issue for supervisors trying to add devices | When supervisor users add devices to an organization successfully with the POST organization/devices API call, the correct response code is now returned. |
SUR-5107 | Missing header in the response created CORS error on downloading video files for events | When downloading event files with the POST devices/{imei}/events API call, the response correctly contains the control header. |
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Developer portal URL |
Calibrate road-facing ADAS | Added permissions indication to user guide | |
API reference | Updated info for Standby events | |
E11 June 2022
New features and enhancements
Speed profile
Trips now include speed profiles as part of their metadata. Speed profiles can be retrieved as part of the API /devices/{imei}/gps
call, which now includes the following new parameters:
- when available, the general speed limit for most vehicles that is posted at the specific geographical point, in meters per second.postedSpeedTrailer
- when available, the speed limit for trailers that is posted at the specific geographical point, in meters per second.postedSpeedhvg
- when available, the speed limit for heavy goods vehicles that is posted at the specific geographical point, in meters per second. , displaying a line graph of:- vehicle driving speed
Throughout the course of every active trip, the dashcam uploads the GPS location to the cloud every five (5) seconds. When posted speed limit is available for the recorded GPS point, the vehicle driving speed and the posted speed limit are also stored with the trip at that GPS point, in addition to the latitude, longitude and other trip-related data.
Managers can leverage this data to review a driver's driving behavior, analyze trends, and enforce organizational policies.
This is the first phase of the implementation of the speed profile. In the future, we will develop more speed-related features and include additional databases for improved accuracy.
Documentation updates
Document title | Description of change | Knowledge base URL | |
Telemetry => Retrieve GPS data | Added speed profile parameters and descriptions | |
E10 May 2022
New features and enhancements
Retrieve drivers via organization
As part of the newly released driver service, the 'GET /drivers/org={org}' call enables reseller partners and organization administrators to easily retrieve a specific driver using the organization ID. Users with multi-partner tokens can also use this to find drivers in different organizations.
New parameter in data usage API call
The 'GET /v2/devices/imei/data-usage' call now returns a billingDayOfMonth parameter. This makes it easier for reseller partners and fleet managers to keep track of monthly data billing cycles.
Fixed items
The following table lists the items that we fixed for this release:
Issue ID | Problem | Resolution |
SUR-4830 | Reseller partners and organization administrators did not receive Possible fatigue events, as these were not being transmitted via webhook. | Users subscribed to event notifications via webhook now receive all event notifications, including Possible fatigue. |
SUR-5153 | The GET /devices/{IMEI}/device-config call did not include driverPosition in the response ("value: left" or "value: right"). | The GET /devices/{IMEI}/device-config call now returns all of the appropriate values, including driverPosition. |
SUR-5162 | The GET /organizations/{orgId}/devices call sometimes returned a disconnected dashcam as "status": "online". | All users are now see the correct status of their dashcam. |
Document change log
The following table lists the documents that were updated and or added to the Developer Portal:
Document title | Description of change | URL |
API reference => Drivers => Get drivers | New call: retrieve a list of drivers by organization ID | |
API reference => Devices => Get data usage | New parameter (billingDayOfMonth) | |
E9 May 2022
New features and enhancements
Driver service endpoint
The Surfsight driver service is a set of new features (and enhancements to previous soft launches) that allow fleets with multiple drivers who often share the same vehicles, to associate trip data and events to the relevant driver. Integration with the Driver API endpoint enables:
Driver calls can be accessed via With this endpoint, organization administrators can:
- Create new drivers in an existing organization
- Assign a driver to a dashcam prior to a trip, and retroactively (for a selected time period)
- Un-assign a driver from a dashcam
- Request the driver metadata in response to existing calls to retrieve trips or events
- Retrieve the driving history of a specific dashcam, driver, or vehicle from a specified time range
- Edit drivers for a specified organization
- Delete drivers for a specified organization
E8 May 2022
Partners managing all devices
In an organization with devices from multiple reseller partners, reseller partners can now make calls that include any of those devices.
This makes it easier for multiple reseller partners who work on devices for a single organization to assist fleet managers in managing that entire organization.
Shared access to an existing organization
The exclusivePartnerOnly
parameter is now included in the PATCH /organizations/{orgId}
call. This enables reseller partners to enable or disable shared access to an existing organization, making it easier to update organizations as the needs of a fleet manager evolve.
When disabling shared access, reseller partners must first remove all devices from the reseller partner that will no longer be part of that organization.
Problem | Resolution |
Multiple users were repeatedly receiving the "SD card may be fragmented or corrupt. Camera is not recording video" message as a false alarm. | Users are no longer receiving this false alarm. |
Some users were receiving live videos and video recordings for de-activated devices. | API requests to the media server for de-activated devices no longer return videos or recordings. In such cases, error 423 is now, correctly, returned instead. |
When attempting to retrieve a live stream through the sample application on the Developer Portal, a retry webRTC was missing from the sample code. Users were receiving a 404 error message with no possibility of retrying. | The retry webRTC is now working in the sample code. Attempts to retrieve a live stream automatically retry until the live stream is retrieved. |
Reseller partners could manage external users of an organization, even though they did not own the data and should not have been able to give those users access. | Reseller partners can no longer add or remove external users from the Partner Portal or API. This is to protect the data owned by fleet managers. Fleet managers can still manage external users from the Surfsight Portal. |
E7 April 2022
Factory reset call
The new POST /devices/{imei}/factory-reset
call enables partners and organization administrators to reset a device to its factory settings. If the device is offline, it is reset when it comes back online.
Organization profiles
Organization administrators and supervisors can now create organization profiles for organizations with devices from multiple partners with the following calls:
POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings
POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings
POST /devices/{orgId}/webhook-settings
New standby events
Two new events, standbyEnter
and standbyExit
, are now available as text notifications, without video or a snapshot attached.
These events are triggered when a device that is connected to constant power enters or wakes up from standby mode.
New external users call
The new POST /organizations/orgId/external-users
call enables organization administrators to add and remove admin users from a different organization. These admin users can then make API calls for your organization and add external integrations.
Problem | Resolution |
If users were not signed in and clicked on an event link from an event notification email, they would not be directed to the correct event once they signed in. | If users are not signed in and click on an event link from an event notification email, they are directed to the correct event once they sign in. |
E6 April 2022
Additional parameter returned in virtual event call
The eventId
parameter is now returned in the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event
call. Use this parameter to:
- update the event severity
- add comments
- delete the event
More alarm actions
You can now change the status of an alarm from read to unread and closed to open in the POST /alarms/{alarmId}/actions
Improved terminology
The terminology for the active status of a dashcam has been improved. Previously it was Activated, and is now Active.
Problem | Resolution |
When receiving an email notification of an event, forgot password emails were sometimes sent instead of event notification emails. | The correct emails are now sent. |
E5 March 2022
Default webhook settings for an organization
A new POST /organizations/{orgId}/webhook-settings
call assigns webhook destination URLs. This call sets the destination URL for the event and GPS webhooks for an entire organization.
For the event webhook, set the destination URL with webhookEventsAddress
, and for the GPS webhook, with webhookGpsAddress
You can assign up to three destination URLs for each type of webhook.
Additional filter and sort parameters when retrieving events
New optional query parameters have been added to the GET /devices/{imei}/events
call. These parameters include:
- filtering by
- return specific event types - filtering by
- return events that occurred at or above a specific speed - sorting by
- sort results by the event type - sorting by
- sort results by the file type (video, snapshot, text) - sorting by
- sort results from the most recent to least recent (descending) or least recent to most recent (ascending)
E4 March 2022
Default event settings for an organization
A new POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings
call enables you to configure the default event settings for an entire
organization. The newly configured settings then apply to both new devices added to the organization, and to previously
existing devices in the organization.
The following roles can make this call:
- partners
- sub-partners
- administrators
- supervisors
List groups to which users are associated
A new groups
parameter is now returned in the GET /organizations/{orgId}/users
call. This parameter lists any groups
the user is part of, including the id
and name
of each one.
Increase in number of geofences
The number of geofences you can set with the PUT /devices/{imei}/geofences
call is now 99. Previously, only 19
geofences could be set.
Problem | Resolution |
After an event was deleted, the event file link still showed video of the event. | Once an event is deleted, video of the event is deleted as well and can no longer be viewed. |
E3 February 2022
Default settings for an organization
The new PUT /organizations/orgId/defaultSettings
call enables partners and organization admins to set default settings
for an organization's devices. These settings apply to all current devices and any devices added to the organization in
the future.
Unsubscribe from email notifications
Users can now unsubscribe from email notifications with the DELETE /{imei}/notification-recipients/{email}
call. They
can unsubscribe from all notifications, or only from those for a particular event.
E2 February 2022
Organization profile - device settings
The new PUT /organizations/orgId/defaultSettings
call enables partners and organization admins to set default settings
for an organization's devices. These settings apply to all current devices and any devices added to the organization in
the future.
Mixed fleets solution
The POST /organization
call has a new parameter, exlusivePartnerOnly
. When a partner enables fleet managers to
add dashcams from other (multiple) partners to a new organization.
New Possible fatigue event
A new event, Possible fatigue, can now be set in the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config
PUT /devices/event-config
Possible fatigue events are triggered when a distracted driving event occurs and the driver has already been driving for more than the configured number of daily driving hours.
Users can configure the drivingDuration
parameter to indicate the amount of driving time in one day before the first
Possible fatigue event is triggered. By default, drivingDuration
is set to eight hours. Valid values are between
four and twenty hours.
New parameters for time and distance
The GET /me
call now returns two additional parameters:
- measurement - the measurement units used in the Surfsight Portal. The units can be either US/imperial or metric.
- timeFormat - the time format used in the Surfsight Portal. The format can be either 24 hours or AM/PM.
E1 January 2022
Webhooks improved delivery
If a webhook is not delivered due to your server being down, Surfsight now tries sending it again up to six times. The final attempt takes place about 24 hours after the original failed delivery.
E25 & E26 January 2022
Updated retrieve snapshot call
Users can now make the GET /devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot
call with a timestamp in the query string to
retrieve a snapshot from an earlier time.
Additionally, metadata is now returned with the call. This metadata includes:
- timestamp
- latitude
- longitude
- speed
New call to retrieve events by organization
A new POST /organizations/{orgId}/events
call enables partners to retrieve a list of events by organization. This
expands the available search capability, which previously only allowed retrieving events by individual device.
New call to add recipients for email notifications in bulk
A new POST /devices/events/{eventType}/notification-recipients
call enables admins and supervisors to add recipients
for email notifications of an event in bulk.
The GET devices/{imei}/events
and GET /organizations/{orgId}/devices
calls now have optional parameters to assist
with pagination. Pagination helps to divide a large amount of data and present it in a more understandable manner.
The parameters include:
- limit - the maximum number of results to retrieve
- offset - the number of results to omit
The pagination parameters are returned in the response as metadata. In addition to the limit and offset, the count (the total number of results) is returned as well.
New role parameter
There is now a role
parameter returned in the GET /me
call. The roles are:
- Administrator
- Supervisor
- User
- Restricted
For more information on the different roles, go here.
E24 December 2021
New parameter to set recording retention time
The PATCH /organizations/{orgId}
call now includes the deviceRetentionMinutes
parameter. This parameter enables
admins and supervisors to set and update the recording retention times for all the devices of an organization. The
recording retention time is the amount of time that recordings are kept on the SD card.
Problem | Resolution |
When an API call was made with an expired token, a 401 error message was returned. | When an API call is made with an expired token, a 504 Gateway Time-out error is now returned. |
E23 November 2021
New endpoint to retreive safety score
The new GET /devices/{IMEI}/score
call enables users to receive the safety score of any device. The safety score
calculates how many events have occurred in a certain time range while taking into account the total distance traveled
during that time.
Speed data in virtual events
When creating a virtual event, the speed from the most recent GPS location is included. If there is no GPS data, the speed is shown as null.
Filter trips by minimum distance
Users can now set a minimum trip length parameter, minimumDistance
, to filter their trips in
the GET /devices/{imei}/trips
call. Trips shorter than the value set in this parameter no longer appear in the
list of trips retreived.
E22 November 2021
New endpoint to delete groups
The new DELETE /organizations/{orgId}/groups
call enables administrators and supervisors to delete groups by their groupID
New endpoints to manage users
Three new API calls have been created to help manage users:
- The
GET /organizationUsers/{organizationId}
call enables administrators, supervisors, and users to retrieve a list of the users associated with a specific organization. - The
POST /userPermissions/{id}/{organizationId}
call enables administrators to edit the role and group access permissions of a specific user. - The
DELETE /users/{id}
call enables administrators to delete a specific user.
New endpoint to update regional settings of users
The new PUT /users/{userId}/update-settings
call enables administrators and supervisors to update the regional settings of a user. These settings include the measurement units and time format the user views in the Surfsight Cloud.
New endpoint to update group names
The new PUT /organizations/{orgId}/groups
call enables administrators and supervisors to update the names of groups associated with a specific organization.
New endpoint to retreive list of recipients of event notifications
The new GET /devices/{imei}/notification-recipients
call enables administrators, supervisors, and users to retrieve a list of the email recipients for event notifications.
E21 October 2021
New access to webhook API requests
Both partners and partner contacts can now perform webhook API requests.
New virtual event flow
There is a new flow for virtual events. When a virtual event is received, the timestamp for the requested files takes into
account the new durationSeconds
Problem | Resolution |
The GET /devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot request returned the wrong error code when a nonexistent IMEI was entered. |
When an invalid IMEI is entered for the GET /devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot , the request now returns a 404 "Not Found" error message. |
The use of request GET /devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot , was returning 500 "Internal Server Error" for cases where the snapshot resource was unavailable. |
The request now returns a 404 "Not Found" error message if the snapshot resource is unavailable. |
E20 October 2021
New group parameter
When creating a user with the POST /organizations/{orgId}/users
request, you can now specify which groups the user will
have access to by using the optional groupIds parameter. If groups are not specified, the user will have access to
all groups.
Problem | Resolution |
API requests made while Surfsight deployed a new release were timed out. | API requests that are now made while Surfsight deploys new releases successfully go through and are not timed out. Additionally, Surfsight now actively monitors for API requests that get timed out. |
In some cases of a corrupt or fragmented SD card, the alarm would not go off. | This has been fixed, and alarms are now consistently going off when necessary. |
E19 October 2021
New endpoint to receive white label details
The new GET /white-label-information/{whiteLabelDomainAddress}
request enables reseller partners to receive white label portal details. These details include:
- the images used in the portal
- the logo and favicon used in the portal
- the name and domain address of the portal
- the privacy policy and EULA of the portal
- the sender address for emails sent from the portal to users
- the color theme of the portal
- Latitide and longitude included in virtual event
When creating a virtual event, the latitude and longitude from the most recent GPS location are included. If there is no GPS data, the latitude and longitude are equal to -1.
C18 September 2021
Alarms added to the device health endpoint
Device alarms are now returned in the GET /device-health
call. This makes alarms more visible, enabling you to take action quicker.
Problem | Resolution |
When two events occurred at the same time, if one was deleted then the media files that were shared by both were deleted. | When two events occur at the same time, if one is deleted then the media files that are shared by both are no longer deleted. |
When an event occurred, the email notification sent did not include the device name. | When an event occurs, the email notification sent now includes the device name. |
C17 August 2021
Recording health update
When a device is removed from an organization, the Recording Health status of that device reverts to 'not tested'.
C16 August 2021
Problem | Resolution |
When a device subscribed to a list of webhooks, if one of the webhooks in the list had an invalid address, then the device no longer sent notifications to any of the webhooks in the rest of the list. | When a device subscribes to a list of webhooks, notifications will always be sent to all webhooks with valid addresses. |
Virtual events sent to a webhook were sent twice, once with the data from one camera (the road-facing camera) and once with the data from two cameras (the road-facing and in-cabin cameras). | Virtual events sent to a webhook are sent once, with the data from all relevant cameras included. |
C15 August 2021
Problem | Resolution |
The metadata information was missing from virtual events that were in the GET /devices/{imei}/events call response. |
Metadata is now included for any virtual events in the GET /devices/{imei}/events call response. |
C14 July 2021
New metadata endpoint
Reseller partners can now receive a device's metadata with the GET /devices/{imei}
call. This enables reseller partners to view a device's details, such as the organization and group it belongs to and its IMEI number.
New operational statistics endpoint
Reseller partners can now receive the operational statistics of their devices and organizations with the GET /partners/operational-statistics
call. This enables reseller partners to view statistics about their
devices and organizations, such as the number of activated devices and the number of alarms associated with their organizations in the past few weeks or months.
Updated devices endpoint
The GET /organizations/{orgId}/devices
call now returns the vehicle type in addition to its other parameters. The vehicle type affects the sensitivity at which events are triggered.
Updated organization endpoint
The name parameter in the PATCH /organizations/{orgId}
call is no longer required. You can update other organization parameters without entering or updating the organization name.
Problem | Resolution |
The number of events in the GET /devices/{imei}/trips call response were incorrect. Events were counted that should not have been included. |
The number of events in the GET /devices/{imei}/trips call response is now correct. Only events that should be included are in the response. |
C13 June 2021
New data usage endpoint
You can now receive the data usage of a device with the GET /devices/{imei}/data-usage
request. The following is included in the response:
- mobileTx - The total data transmitted from the device, in bytes
- mobileRx - The total data received by the device, in bytes
- liveStreamingUsage - The amount of data used from live video streaming, in bytes
- eventsUsage - The amount of data used from uploading video events, in bytes
- liveStreamUsageMilli - The amount of time spent watching live video streaming, in milliseconds
- recordStreamUsageMilli - The amount of time spent watching recordings, in milliseconds
- recordStreamingUsage - The amount of data used from streaming recordings, in bytes
- recordingsUploadUsage - The amount of data used from uploading recordings, in bytes
- usageEventsTodayDay - The number of video events that have occurred today
- usageEventsTodayMonth - The number of video events that have occurred this month
New wake up endpoint
You can now wake up a device with the POST /devices/{imei}/wakeup
request. Devices can only be woken up when in standby mode.
Problem | Resolution |
When trying to add the imei number of a device that doesn't belong to you, the wrong response was returned. |
A 404 response code is now returned with the message 'not found: The device imei you entered is invalid. Check the imei number and try again'. |
When using the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event request, a 200 success response was returned even if no recordings were found. |
A 404 response code is now returned with the message 'not found: No recordings were found in the requested time range. Change the range and try again'. |
C12 June 2021
New snapshot endpoint
You can now receive a snapshot from a specific camera with the GET /devices/{imei}/cameras/{cameraId}/snapshot
New auxiliary camera endpoint
You can update an auxiliary camera name with the PATCH /devices/{imei}/cameras
Updated organization endpoint
When a reseller partner makes the GET /organizations/{orgId}
request it now returns the organization's SSO secret in addition to its other parameters.
If the organization does not yet have an SSO secret, one is created during the request.
C11 June 2021
New GPS endpoint
The GET /devices/{imei}/gps
call now returns the altitude in addition to other GPS parameters.
Adding devices in bulk
Adding devices in bulk through the API has been fixed. Organization admins can now add devices in bulk through the API v1 and v2.