Generate a virtual event. Optionally, media (a video or an image) may be uploaded to the cloud, or no media.
Important: For best results, when uploading media always use the quality and durationSeconds parameters.
To receive media from all lenses, leave out the cameraId parameter.
If multiple events are generated with the same timestamp, to the second, and the same media type, the media file from the last request is used for all of them. To have different media files for each virtual event, use timestamps that differ by at least a second.
Note: POST calls create new data, and do not affect existing data.
Successful operation
Bad request error
Unauthorized error
Forbidden error
Not found error
Expectation failed error
Locked error
Internal server error
{- "time": "2020-01-01T14:48:00.000Z",
- "mediaType": "none",
- "durationSeconds": 10,
- "quality": "standard",
- "cameraId": 1,
- "metadata": "string",
- "visualAlert": true,
- "audioAlert": true
{- "data": {
- "eventId": "a35bg-16fg3d8d-2f8g-75c21"
}, - "requestId": "df5fg-45fgfdsg-45fg-45454"