Surfsight firmware changelog

3.13 September 2024

Firmware version 3.13 rollout is beginning in the U.S. cloud.

New features and enhancements


The Power Loss File Protection mechanism for the dashcam protects media files during sudden power loss events, such as major accidents or theft.


Our solution empowers Reseller partners and end-customers with greater control over privacy. It allows embedding customizable watermarks on captured videos and snapshots.


You can now remotely designate dashcams as hotspots.


Some cellular providers do not provide timezone updates, so we developed our own service for this. Use the setTimezoneByCloud parameter to configure dashcams to retrieve timezone information from the cloud, based on GPS data, rather than retrieving this information from the cellular provider.


Some customers experienced audio distortions, possibly due to driving on rough roads that cause vibrations in the vehicle. To improve the user experience, we’ve updated the firmware to reduce these distortions.


We upgraded the level of data security by hardening the encryption mechanism on the device side with more robust encryption algorithms.

Fixed item

Issue ID Issue summary Resolution
DC-1216 Videos stopped playing and displayed this error message: "unsupported encoding". The issue was resolved with a new mediacore enhancement.

Known issues

Issue ID Problem
DC-829 Smoking events are not always triggered. Additionally, seatbelt events are not always triggered when drivers wear dark clothing on their upper bodies.
DC-1056 On rare occasions the recording request file may skip one second in the video.
DC-1081 Some devices report high data usage.
DC-1229 In rare cases, event videos have a two-second time difference between the recordings from the in-cabin-facing lens and the road-facing lens.

3.12.206 June 2024

Firmware version 3.12.206 rollout is beginning in the U.S. cloud.

New features and enhancements


A new randomized Wi-Fi password is automatically generated when a hotspot is enabled for the first time on a dashcam. This increases security and reduces vulnerabilities to hacking when auxiliary cameras are connected to the Surfsight AI-12 dashcam.

::: info Note

Currently, the hotspot can only be turned on and off in the WIFI SETTINGS screen of the dashcam. An API call to turn a hotspot on and off is planned for the future.


The password contains twenty alphanumeric characters including at least one of each of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers. The new Wi-Fi password is generated each time the hotspot is switched from Off to On. Following a firmware update the hotspot remains in the state is was prior to the update, whether Off or On. Following a factory reset the password reverts to the default 12345678.

NOM label added to Certification screen


To sell in Mexico, devices require Official Mexican Standards, or Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM) certification. The AI-12 device is designed to meet NOM certification requirements and the label has been added to the Certification screen on the AI-12 device.

Fixed items

Issue ID Issue summary Resolution
DC-1251 In some cases, following the upgrade to firmware version 3.12.108, the dashcam rebooted repeatedly. The issue was resolved so that the dashcam does not reboot repeatedly.

Known issues

Issue ID Problem
DC-829 Smoking events are not always triggered. Additionally, seatbelt events are not always triggered when drivers wear dark clothing on their upper bodies.
DC-1056 On rare occasions the recording request file may skip one second in the video.
DC-1081 Some devices report high data usage.
DC-1229 In rare cases, event videos have a two-second time difference between the recordings from the in-cabin-facing lens and the road-facing lens.

3.12.108 March 2024

This update focuses on a seamless end-to-end product experience of the auxiliary camera with the Surfsight AI-12 dashcam. It improves the performance of recording availability, the reliability of pairing and unpairing devices, and connection stability.

New features and enhancements

Improvements to avoid recording loss due to SD card disconnect


Recordings are now saved to the internal camera memory first and then transferred to the SD card when the recording is finished. This helps to prevent the potential for recording loss due to SD card disconnect, such as in the case of an impact.

Fixed items

Issue ID Issue summary Resolution
DC-738 Auxiliary cameras did not record consistently. Auxiliary cameras record as expected.
DC-1003 An unnecessary error message stated pairing of an auxiliary camera should be delayed due to low battery level. It is possible to pair auxiliary cameras during all battery levels.
DC-1004 When pairing a new auxiliary camera, an error message appeared, and the devices did not pair. Updates to the pairing process in the Surfsight AI-12 dashcam improves the pairing experience and reliability.
DC-1057 Auxiliary cameras have intermittent connections, lost connections, or had problems pairing. An improvement made to the memory processing in the Surfsight AI-12 dashcam, increases connection stability.
DC-1074 Older model Auxiliary cameras missed some recordings due to a loss of connection. Connectivity improvements allow for greater stability in recordings.
DC-1138 In some cases, auxiliary cameras unpaired unexpectedly. Auxiliary cameras stay paired as expected.
DC-1158 The dashcam did not keep the retention period according to the configured settings. Configuration of the retention period in the Surfsight AI-12 dashcam is respected.
DC-1164 Events related to accelerations and deceleration were not triggered. Acceleration and deceleration events are triggered as expected.
DC-1165 Auxiliary cameras had recordings for some events but not others. A mechanism to repeatedly try to upload events is put in place to ensure events are uploaded even if the device temporarily disconnects.
DC-1171 When Exit standby and Enter standby events were disabled in the Surfsight Portal, they were still reported by the API service. Events that are disabled through the Surfsight Portal, are not reported by the API service.

3.12 November 2023

New features and enhancements

Driver identification


A new feature allows drivers to check-in and check-out directly on a device via QR code or with a five digit PIN code.

Once a driver checks in, all trips, events, and data are associated with the driver. The driver may check-out through the device, or be checked out through the API. If a new driver checks in while the device is associated with another driver, the previous driver is checked out.

A record of the driver is available in the Surfsight portal, and relevant information is recorded in the cloud and retrievable by API. This feature can be enabled through the Surfsight portal or API.

Through the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config, PUT /devices/device-config and POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings calls, you can set:

  • pinCodeDi or qrDi to enable or disable driver identification (and assignment) through a unique PIN or QR code specific to that driver. Driver identification can be enabled either through this driver PIN code or a QR code, but not both.
  • driverIdentification to enable driver identification when qrDi or pinCodeDi is enabled.
  • driverPrompt to enable a driver prompt to check-in when the device exits standby mode.
  • audioAlert to enable or disable audio beeps while driver prompt flashes on the device. This is only an option when driverPrompt is enabled.
  • driverPromptDurationSeconds to set the driver prompt duration in seconds. Time intervals between 10 and 60 seconds can be customized. This is required when driverPrompt is enabled.

Manage driver identification and check-in with API calls, including:

  • POST /drivers to create drivers
  • GET /drivers to retrieve a list of drivers and driver information
  • GET /drivers/{driverId}/qr-code to retrieve the driver's unique QR code
  • POST /drivers/devices to assign drivers to devices
  • DELETE /drivers/devices to remove drivers from devices
  • GET /driving-history to retrieve driving history

For more information see, Drivers

Passenger unbelted event


A new Passenger unbelted event is triggered when it is detected that the individual seated next to the driver does not have their seatbelt fastened. If the passenger's seatbelt is not fastened, after 50 seconds there is an in-cabin alert, depending on configured audio or visual alerts. If there is no change, after ten more seconds an event is triggered and, if configured, an additional alert. This occurs once per hour, or if the trip is less than one hour it occurs once per trip.

The event is available in any API calls where events are retrieved and via webhook. Users can configure this setting for single devices, in bulk and from the Organization level using thedevices/{imei}/events API call.

Device wake up with event trigger button


You can now wake up the device by pressing the event trigger button.

  • The typical Exit standby event is triggered when the device wakes up from standby mode.
  • Device maintains ability to wake up due to movement detected by the accelerometer, or via API.

Wifi connection icon


A new icon indicates when the device is using WIFI for internet access instead of using SIM connectivity.

Refresh ADAS calibration images


You can now refresh your ADAS calibration images by selecting the Refresh ADAS images in the device settings menu or through the API. The device must be online or in standby mode.

When Refresh ADAS images is selected

  1. Previous ADAS calibration images are deleted from the device.
  2. New calibration images are added next time the vehicle is driven at above 75 km/h.

Through the API you can:

  • Delete ADAS calibration images with the GET /devices/{imei}/adas-delete-calibration-images.
  • Retrieve new images with the GET /devices/{imei}/adas-calibration-images API call.

Improved device security

DC -835

Device security has been improved with the addition of device authentication. Following the upgrade to firmware 3.12, when the device connects to the cloud it will be assigned a secret token. Going forward the cloud will require the token from that device to grant access to the cloud. Devices seeking access without the token will be denied. The token can be reset with a factory reset.

Streaming recording with audio


Audio is now available for streaming high quality video recordings through API and the Surfsight portal. Audio is available if voiceRecording parameter is previously enabled in PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config API call, or Audio recording is enabled in the device settings, and high quality video recording is selected.

Additional APNs have been added


Additional partner APNs (Access Point Name) have been added.

Fixed items

Issue ID Issue summary Resolution
DC-94 Some event videos skipped parts of the video during playback. Event videos play back as expected.
DC-256 Some recordings from the road-facing lens and the in-cabin lens were not synchronized. Recordings from the road-facing lens and the in-cabin lens are synchronized.
DC-301 In some cases, recordings from different devices were not synchronized. Recordings from different devices are synchronized.
DC-311 In some devices, some APNs weren't set automatically, or were lost after factory reset. The device detects and automatically uses the appropriate APNs when a corresponding SIM is installed, and the device does not stop using the APNs after a factory reset.
DC-629 entered events are created when a vehicle starts a trip within the defined geofence. entered events are only triggered when a vehicle enters a defined geofence, not if the vehicle is already within the defined geofence.
DC-772 On some devices, data usage was not calculated correctly and provided false information. Devices calculate data usage correctly and provide the correct information.
DC-774 For some events the timestamp for the road-facing lens and the in-cabin-facing lens were not matching. Event timestamps for the road-facing lens and the in-cabin lens match.
DC-840 The privacy parameter in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config API call did not apply to all relevant events. The privacy parameter in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config API call applies to all relevant events.
DC-851 There were a high number of possibleAccidentevents in some devices. The possibleAccident event threshold has been properly adjusted to only trigger when appropriate.
DC-863 Play back for recordings from some auxiliary cameras were not synchronized. Play back for recordings from auxiliary cameras are synchronized.
DC-867 Data usage in the Surfsight Portal sometimes displayed an incorrect number of events. Data usage in the Surfsight Portal displays the correct number of events.
DC-937 Some auxiliary cameras continued recording beyond configured retention time so that recordings were available from outside retention times. Recordings from auxiliary cameras respect the device retention configuration.
DC-956 In privacy settings in PUT/devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT/devices/device-config, and POST/organizations/{orgId}/device-settings API calls, auxiliary cameras still had recordings during the time recordingEnabled was set to false. This is by design in cases where the auxiliary camera has an SD card inserted, since the dashcam settings do not control the auxiliary camera.
DC-979 Recordings from some auxiliary cameras were not saved by the device. Recordings from all auxiliary cameras are saved by the device.
DC-1026 obstruction events were disabled but were still triggered. When obstruction events are disabled they are not triggered.
DC-1158 Recordings were not limited to the retention time setting. Recordings are limited to the retention time.

Known issues

Issue ID Problem
DC-829 Smoking events are not always triggered. Additionally, seatbelt events are not always triggered when drivers wear dark clothing on their upper bodies.
DC-1056 On rare occasions the recording request file may skip one second in the video.
DC-1081 Some devices report very high data usage.

3.11.27 June 2023

Firmware version 3.11.27 rollout is beginning in the U.S. cloud.

New features and enhancements

New sdCardFormatted event


Each time the SD card is formatted, through the device or the GET /devices/{imei}/format-storage API call, the sdCardFormatted event is triggered and the SD card receives a new UUID, a unique identifier.

In the GET /devices/{imei}/events/{eventId}, GET /devices/{imei}/events, and POST /organizations/{orgId}/events API calls, as well as webhook, the response will include the new event, manufacturer information, and the UUID assigned to the most recent format.

Known issues

Issue ID Problem
DC-629 standbyEnter events are triggered when a vehicle with a device connected to ignition power is turned on within a geofence. This will be resolved as part of the 3.12 firmware release.
DC-640 A no internet connection icon appears on the device screen for devices that are connected to the internet over WiFi but do not have a SIM card. This will be resolved as part of the 3.12 firmware release.
DC-689 Sometimes there are sync issues between the in-cab lens and road-facing lens causing the in-cab lens to be one second behind the road-facing lens in recordings. This will be resolved as part of the 3.12 firmware release.
DC-829 Smoking events are not always triggered. Additionally, seatbelt events are not always triggered when drivers wear dark clothing on their upper bodies. This will be resolved as part of the 3.12 firmware release.

3.11 November 2022

Firmware version 3.11 rollout is beginning in the U.S. cloud.

New features and enhancements

Lane weaving event


A new event, laneWeaving, is now triggered when a vehicle crosses over a certain number of lanes (dashed or solid) in a specific amount of time.

When triggered, the device beeps and an icon appears on the screen. Additionally, an event is sent to the cloud. For this event to trigger, road-facing ADAS must be calibrated.

Through the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config, PUT /devices/event-config or POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings call, you can set:

  • laneWeavingTimes: the number of lanes the vehicle crosses to trigger the event, between two and ten lanes. The default is three lanes.
  • laneWeavingDurationSeconds: the amount of time during which the lanes are crossed, between five and sixty seconds. The default is thirty seconds.

Configurable audio and visual alerts for events


You can now separately enable or disable the audio and visual alerts for each event through the API. By default, for each event:

  • the audio alerts are dependent on whether audioAlarms is enabled or disabled in PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT /devices/device-config or POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call
  • the visual alerts are enabled

Alerts can be enabled or disabled for individual devices, multiple devices, or for an entire organization. To enable audio and visual alerts:

  1. Enable audio alerts through the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT /devices/device-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call.
  2. Enable audio and visual alerts for the desired events through the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config, PUT /devices/event-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings call.

Auxiliary camera support

Support for the new auxiliary cameras has been added. Additionally, many improvements have been made to the existing auxiliary camera support.

QR code scan event


A new event, qrCode, is triggered when the in-cab lens scans a QR code. When the event is enabled, a QR code icon appears on the device screen. When the event is disabled, the QR code icon does not appear on the device screen.

To trigger this event:

  1. Enable the QR code scan event in PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config or PUT /devices/event-config. When enabled, a QR code icon appears on the device screen.
  2. Press the QR code icon at the top left of the device screen. The device beeps for ten seconds or until a QR code is scanned.
  3. Within ten seconds, scan the QR code using the in-cab lens. An event is triggered and sent to the cloud, with the QR code as metadata. A success message is displayed on the device screen.

Visual and audio alert enhancements

Virtual events - DC-71

When a virtual event is created in the cloud, there can now be a beep from the dashcam and an exclamation point can appear on the device screen. By default, visual alerts are enabled and audio alerts are dependent on whether audioAlarms is enabled or disabled in PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config or PUT /devices/device-config.

Alerts can be enabled or disabled for individual devices or in bulk. To enable audio and visual alerts:

  1. Enable audioAlarms in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT /devices/device-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call.
  2. Enable audio and visual alerts through the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event call.

Event trigger button - DC-47

When the event trigger button is pressed, there can now be a beep from the dashcam and an exclamation point can appear on the device screen. By default, visual alerts are enabled and audio alerts are dependent on whether audioAlarms is enabled or disabled in PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config or PUT /devices/device-config.

Alerts can be enabled or disabled for individual devices or in bulk. To enable audio and visual alerts:

  1. Enable audioAlarms in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT /devices/device-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call.
  2. Enable audio and visual alerts through the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config, PUT /devices/event-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings call.

Speed limit event - DC-53

When a speed limit event is triggered, there can now be a beep from the dashcam and red car can appear on the device screen.

Alerts can be enabled or disabled for individual devices or in bulk. To enable audio and visual alerts:

  1. Enable audioAlarms in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT /devices/device-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call.
  2. Enable audio and visual alerts through the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config, PUT /devices/event-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings call.

Tailgating event - DC-784

When a tailgating event is triggered, a tailgating-specific icon can now appear on the device screen.

Alerts can be enabled or disabled for individual devices or in bulk. To enable audio and visual alerts:

  1. Enable audioAlarms in the PUT /devices/{imei}/device-config, PUT /devices/device-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/device-settings call.
  2. Enable audio and visual alerts through the PUT /devices/{imei}/event-config, PUT /devices/event-config, or POST /organizations/{orgId}/event-settings call.

Certification screen update


The certification screen has been updated with additional information:

  • the IC:25716-AI12 certification
  • the FCC ID: 2APWTAI-12 certification
  • the device IMEI number

New APNs


Based on customer request, new access points (APNs) have been added.

Fixed items

Issue ID Issue summary Resolution
DC-68 Sometimes virtual events with video did not have video files attached. All events with video have the correct video files attached.
DC-92 Some MVAI events were missed in smaller cabins when they occurred at the edges of the in-cab lens' field of view. The in-cab lens' field of view has been improved to detect in-cab behaviors in smaller spaces.
DC-133 Too many geofence events were being created. The correct number of geofence events are created.
DC-246 Some advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) menu items were not translated from English. Additionally, some translations didn't fit properly on the screen. All menu items have been translated from English to Spanish and French. All translations now fit properly on the screen.
DC-681 The in-cab recordings sometimes appeared with a pinkish hue. The colors in recordings now appear normal.
DC-693 Some events did not have an in-cab recording when the event was set to have video attached. All events that are set to have video attached now have road-facing and in-cab recordings.
DC-733 obstruction events were sometimes triggered when the driver's face was partially covered. Additionally, more audio alerts were received when an obstruction event was triggered than expected. obstruction events have been improved to only trigger when the in-cab lens is completely blocked, and not when the driver's face is partially covered. Additionally, the number of audio alerts has been updated - the dashcam beeps once when an obstruction event is triggered. If the trip lasts longer than an hour, and the lens is still obstructed for that duration, the dashcam beeps once an hour.